Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

-3S~ Of Hyp9crl(t: in Rcligin; . pray or pr,each, not how to ·profdfe Chrift, t'hat cloth it not With unfeigned principles from within. Thus Faith if it he not unfeigf!ed, Love if it be not unfeigned, is a meer fi11dow. To open tf.lis · ' !fypocrHie an Confider firO:, That this clo(e hypocriji~ u an imperftOl or tmiration of languid imitation of true grace. As all godlinefle bath its grace. real nature and power; fo there are fome imitations of this, that in a,mans own eyes, and the judgement of others goeth for grace, but is not fo. As there arc counterfeit jewels which appeu to be fo,.- but are not fo~ only the skilful Arti· ficer feeth the difference; Thus there is a. faith like truefaith• .a repentance like true repentance; Thoufands deceive them– felyts about them, anly the Chrll1ian, whofe fenfes are ex.. ercifed eo difcern between good and evil, they finde ·a differ– ence. That this is fo appeareth 2 Cor.6.6. where you have a love unfeigned,' and 1 Pft.I.n. So ·I Tim. I. 5. and 2. Tim. 1.;. thereisms1~dvumKplm~, a faith tbatis not hypocritical. Nowwe cannot fay, that all thofe who in Scripture are faid to believe and repent, and had not the nature of thofe liv~ly · gracest that they did groOy diffembk:, only they came fhort of the lively and real expreffions of thofe true graces, and if the Heathen would fay, That he who hath not the moral Vercues, that even Reafon dictates, is net a man but the pi- · Clureofaman; muchmoremay we fay, He 'that hath not die inward nature of gr;ice,hath only the pid:u~eof it,and no folidity at,all. Chryjofhm faid, the paintingoftean is worfe then the painting of the f'ace. The repref~nration or refem– blance of eminent graces, without the truth of them, is far more mifeuble then to be accounted rich ' · and yet to be poor; To be eflecmed lea~ned, and y ~ t ignorant. Our Saviour hath many Parables to defcribe fuch almoft-Cbrilli– am; Thy faith ili almoft faith, thy repentance almofi a true repentance. Now truegrace may bo feigned or hypocritic:llly refcmbled in thefe pa rticulars: , I. In the principles and originals of our artionf, w-hen we pray, believe, or do any holy ducY-.frorn·humane princip!es, from the meer a:rength of na.ture. This looks likedivine acd · - fupernatural