Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

.- _ . . 0 f H y pDerifie m Rellgl111~ . JJJ fupernatnral holinelfe but it is not fo no more then the heavy earth is a glorio~s skie ; Nicodem:U before he was re– generated praiC%4, fatted, did the external acts of the Law, but (alas) the ftock and root was meer natural O:rength, but when born again, he dotb thofe duties from a more divine and fubl.ime fountain; fo great a matter is it from whence our duttesand profeffion dotb flow, what need the promife o~ Gods Spirit re~ewing and fanchfying ? Why is love, faith, made the frait of Gods Spirit, if we of our felves can do thefe things? Therefore the duties done by the fame man before and after regeneration, they differ in kinde, as gold and lead ; be doth not pray, he 4oth not hear as he did, for the principles are wholly changed. Now it is to be feared, that moft mens duties and religion come from no higher a ground ~ then humane ftrength; They pray as men, they believe as 'men, becat1fe fo few partake of the Spirit ofChrift: 1 0 h then take heed that it be ~ot fa id, Thy faith, thy repent– ance is fuch as comesby the will of man, and it revealed by flcfh and bloud! . Secondly, Truegr~tct u imitated in the groundJ Andmotivet ofit !Jy hypocrijie; And this is a refemblance of.the choife part oftrue grace;unfeigncd godlinefs puts a man upan fincere and pure motives,to do things as of God, becaufe of God, and in tbeprefenceofGod,as P11ulfaid,~ Cor.:.I7. ThusDavid re· pented,bccaufe hefinned againflGod,At,ainft him onl];So theSa· maritans no longer believed bccaufe ofthewomans words,but becaufe ofChrift himfelf, 'joh.4. Thus all Papifts niake that a theological grace,faith,hope and love,when there is a divine motive; when the divine authority, of God makes me be– lieve; when the power and promife of God makes me hope; when the e~cellency and goodneffe of God makes me love, if I believe, hope, or love for fecondary or humant rcfpetl:s · only, then this is a bafiard and no true cbilde. Thirdly, Clofe hypocri{ierefembles true grace in tile end and aim of our aEfioru. A motive and the end differ as much as ratioformPelu/ubqua, andfinis; when .I lov:e God, bec'au[e of his infinite goodndfc and excellency, this is the motive, . when my love is terminated upon him as the ultimate object, · Zz md