Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

3S4 ofHypocrifie in ~tligion; and I referre ali things elfe beloved to him, then he is the end of my love. Now (truly) the godly ·man bath in no– thing more to· watch againft hypocrifie then his ends, to pray but to what end, to be ~iligent in all religious duties,. but fi:i ll to what end, th;Jt ~rowneth ~11; whenGod may fay, Te did it to me, as he corn pl:tineth on the contrary to the fa– fling J ws, Did ye it to m~, even to me, faith God? How hard I_ dowe-frm~ out felf. refpt:cls, feJf.glory, felf-advanta~ ges? Howdo thefe earthy refpech cre?ep in like the v£gy.. p·tiP~n frogs ut our doors~ at. our windows, fiiiJ croaking within us, confbnt and univerfal kif-denial is a fure compa· nion of fincerity, whereas the hypocrite feeth hlmfeff, kcoweth himfelf, and Jooketh after himfelf in,all things, and in this particular it is, that the godly do fo often groan and mourn, Jell they be found in the number of hypocrites.They £annot go about any thing for. God, but flill fomo fclf.;. confidcratioQ thi:ufis in it felf; then they cry out, alf is mar– red, I have loft tbe duty, th~ crown of glory is gone, it was not God or Chrift I looked after, but my own glory and: rcfp..ea: Commune th~n with thy own hearr, and fhake off felf, as an enemy to unfeigned grace. Fourthly, Hypocrifie re[tmbleth ,grace in the qu~J!ity 'fit; True grace is fervent:, zealous, joyous and gladfome ; and &bus alfo the hypocrite may be for-a feafon. Thus the Jews r~joyced for a. feafon in {oh1 Ba('titli Minitlry, John 5·H• even Herod heard John gladlr, Mark_. 6.10. Oh then whena manfiQdes fome joy, fome zeal, fome delight, who would not think now I have found that preciou.s pearl of true grace? Now I know God will love me, but you fee here may be falfe refemblances alfo ;· and the reafon is, becaufe they are but tranfient flalhes, fudden blazes, they paffe away as a lighcn!ng, they are not confl:ant Sunne-bcams, lob '2-7 - 10• The. hypocrite "Will not -delight himfelf in the Almighty, there is not a confiant, feded, fountailil of joy, a·nd therefore be will not pray alwaies. · Latlly, Hypacrifie may imitate grace in durAtion 9f time : It may hold its colour a long while. The Tree may flouri£11 with Jcavesa grcatfeafon, even till there come violent oppo- - fitions. ~ \ I