Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

ofHyp,cri(ie in R.~ligia:1.' ~SS {itions and affanlts, even till it be thrown into the fire, and then the drolfc will hold no longer, yea if there be no out- i ward trials a man may five and die in thi-s, as appeareth by thefoolifh Virgim, O h then feeing btre are facb dcep!i and uncertainties, fuch glo1fes and colours, who doc-h not attend more to this? why is any thing more in our hearts then this? Other Sermons may pieafe your ear more, hut: this will do moll: good to the heart; he that holderhany truth, is glad of a !lrongoppoRent~ but it is the thief that hatcrh the light. Do thou t~cn as David, often pray that God would fearch ...J try thy he~rt, if there /Je any ]~elfe Way in thee. If yon think this point too fearching, coo troublefome, yori had rather hear only of comfort and fweetjoy, Jet that very 'dif– pofition make thee afraid of thy felf ; its the fign of a fick man to toffe himfelf upand down, while he findes fome foft, ea.fie place. . . In the next piace,let us confider theCaufes oft his hypocri- The caufcs of fie, that when they are difcovered we may the better dry up this hypocriLi.e. the ftrcams, if once the fountain be fiopt up.And .· Firfi, One great cau[e of this lameneffe and imperfeElion, is 1 -when we makgnot GDds word the rule to walk... !Py. That moft The aot. ma• , needs be crooked which is not firaitned according to the ru~e. king Gods Now you have the word of God often cornmended for 1ts Wo1·d the rule. Vprightneffe, Rig.hteou/neffe, for its Purity and Rectitude .: Its an inflexible and impartial Rule, it alloweth_,no finne, it commands every duty. 1\ man cannot fiumble or. fall that walketh by its light: If you ask tl;Jern, What is the caufc of all crooked and froward paths that men turn afidc to? you will finde itsbccaufe,~hey do not order their fteps according to thisrule. Da'VidPfal.l 1 9· praie)'h for this, and the phrafe implieth there is an exaClneffe, a diligeRt rneth.od, a curiOU!ii framing and ordering of a mans waies in true rrace, it will net let an hair be am11fe. The Greek word d7r'A!t!f, fuppofe th there will not be any fold or wrinkle• .The w·ord of God is compared to a GJaffe, every fpot, ~very deformi ty that will difcover; fu then, v,rhatfoever is not according to the rul.e that is crooked, and bythis you may anfwer t hat Qgdhon: How that m~ml Religion can be jadged -'hjpocrijie, which is Z z 2_ according