Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

of Nypatrifit inRelig;on: Let it be great matter of confultation and meditation, Will I be a Chrillian ? Will I acknowledge Chrifi ? Let me think what that is, I mufi be fuch an one as D.,vid, as Paul, thefe had none in heaven or earth but God only ; its a building an _high Tower, its awarre, its marrying, and therefore you are to for~et fathers houfe, and all. Thirdly, A/ureandinfallible caufe of hypocrifie, u the en~ tertaining and huggi~g in hi& heart any tJne k._nown particularfin. He can never be upnght to.God, that keeps one known ene– my againfl him in his brefi, if thou be an Achan, a [onah; though thou haft the gifts and parts of men and Angels, yet thy nakedneife will be difcovered: Can rudtu be a thief, live in fecret fraud, and yet hope to be a faithfwll Difciplc of Chrift? Oh notwithfianding all thy duties, performances · and profeffion, thou art in a .iangcrous confumption, that one finne will be thy damnation, thou breedeft up a Serpent that will at laft fting thee to death ; This will be an Abfolow ·to thee, thou doateft on it, and it will undo thee : Oh then fay, how can I fay, I love God truly, when! will ·not cru- . cifie this finne for his fake? How can I fay he is the chiefe{\ of ten thoufands, when fuch a finne is preferred before him? Pot otf thy difguifes thou painted Sepulchre, Godfoallfmit~ -thee thou white W~tU, he knoweth thy ((ere&: lofts, he cin d.ig through the wall,-a-nd fee what is doing there. Fourthly, The htttrt inordinatelj t~JfeEled to lfnJ t~-z'IPfull thing, to the comforts ttnd good thingsofthu life, Will nece/[~~tri~ 1y be hypocriticge/. Never trufi thy felf, though thou haft ra– vi£hments in duties, though thy heart mourn like a Dove all_day , yet if thou ovcrflowcft in thy affeCtions t(,) thefe things, God and heavenly things art not fo fweet and dear to thee, know then the time will come, whcA thou wilt betray Chrift for a m9rfel of bread , ~tnd. Wilt ['eO thJ birth· right for A .meffe of pottage; Look over all the hypocrites recorded in Gods Word, and you lball finde them fplit themfelves at this Rock. The tempotarJ believer fals oW, becaufe of the cares of this world, aod tlie delights -thereof: why doth DemtU leave Paul? Its becaufe he cleaveth.to this prefent world. Every Sunne in this orb. bath ~- ---- ·- ---- ------··· z·. z3.. -- - --· been~ - . -