Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

f• Of Hypocrifle i- Religion~ been edipfed by the interpofitioa of the earth; dofi hath _ been blown it1 their eyes, and hind red their fpiritual fight, godlinelfe doth not only lie in mortifying groffe finnes, buc loofing the heart from the world, fo chat noching is fo ·dear and welcome as Chrifi: is, neither father, or wife, or chil– dren, they are rifen with Chrift, and tit witl-1 him· in heaven– ly places, Col.3·. I! Oh then fear chy hypocrifie and treache– rous heart, as long as thy heart is over-lovipji and over-de·. lighting in any thing but God: Oh cry ou( of thofe predo· minant affeClions as thofe that will robdtceof God and im– mortality l He·that bath tafied of honey, all othf!r things feem unfavoury to him : Thus the heart whit>h bath once powerfully tafied of God and heavenly things, all earthly contents and comforts have no reliih with him: He that bath drunk of this water··wm never thirfi again, lob. 4· Fifthly, A ftequent accufloming our [elves to the form 11nd exprejfions sf holy things;without attending t9 the po>wer ofthem, wi/llnfenjibly plunge a man into hypocrijie. He Jha.t out of meer form and cufiom doth ufe himfelf to holy things with– out the inward life of grace, makes bimfelf at lafi a meer painted image; As it was with the Jews, fer. 7· who cried, ·The temple of the Lord, the templeof the Lord; aconfiant fre– quenting of Gods worlhip without inward enjoying and communion witlrGod, made God complain of their hypo– crifie, The) drew nigh With their lips, "When their henrts Were f arrefrom him; We fee it in other things, men accufiomed to (wear, perceive they do n0t fo ; men given to complemental expreffions, never regard any truth of affections; and thus it is here., men ufing themfelves to words and expreffions, or duaies, not at all attendmg how true they arc in their own hearts,ca~not but diffemble with God. Sixthly, llluminati8n of theunderftanding only without fan– £lificationof the heart andaffiElirms, doth alwaies male! a man infincere. It makes his tongue bigger then his h~art, or his ~ead too big for all his body• . Thereare men of thong con. vid:ions, and alfo of fhong corruptions, thefe men cannot but run into hypocrifie, If )e k.._now thefethings, happy 11re ye .if ]e do them. :rhe ApoRie praieth, Thflt they be /anllified '· thrrmghoHt