Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

o[Hypocrl{ie in ReligiQn~ 11•~ through6Ut inJPirit, foul~tnd hotly, I Thdf. )• ~3: The, devils are rfr.Jp.oiiS(, fu/1ofk.pow/cdge, When their W ifs are as fufJ 0( malice agaiAfl God: that the underll.anding knowetb bdl, which the heart and affect-ion are experimentally fenfible of. Now then when a man is of great illumination, raife4 gifts and parts, whereby he is admired in the world, yet bath not acrucified and mortified heart; he cannot but pray, preach, and difcourfe of thofe things, which though not abpve his underfianding, yet above hi·i heart and affections: Oh then pray this oil may defcend from thy head to all the affections below 1 Take heed that tbou beeft only light, not a bunting light. Laflly; Grutt and irre.fi.fJible judge·ments d-o many timp, if 7• not caufe, yet are an occafion to dr{IW out bypocrijie. When men can have no more pleafure in finne, whc.m terrours have feized on them, then they will confdfe and even roar out their fins, whenyet there it no truth in them. The Ifraelites were often thus; PharaQhand Ahabwere thus falfe alfo ; and many whofe hearts are not tt:uly to God, yet in fickndfe and feus_ of death, cry out as if they were renewed men; we luv.~ an expreffion P[a/.66.J. and in other places, that through che turiblcneffe and greatneie of Gods power, his enemies fuonld fubmit themfelvcs;. i·n the Hebrew it is, They fluU lie, they lhall yield a feigned obedience; and thu~ it is w"ith many men, when God is too firong for them, his judgement! too powrrfull, then they lie to God, they give him feigned obedience. Vfe of Admonition. See that all thy reHgious waies be from– fincerity and -uprightneffe; what though thou haft lighr, pam and abilities, praiefl more then others, hearefi more then others, and with Pauldoth labrJar more 'abund.mtly thm ~tll! yet if hypocrifie be in the principles,motives, aims,&c. thou hafllofr all. This is terrible to hear, but it will be more terrible to be fo,.f2.£idproderit Chriftum(equi, "fi non ·confequi ! What will it be ro follow Chrifi, if thou do not overtake bim, What will this almofi-Chriflianity be, but almofi· fat.. vation ? yea the nearer the haven, thy lhipwrack will be more c:h~ n;1ifera~Jc ~ I would not unfett1e the gra· · - - ---- ··-- · - • cious,