JfO 0/Hypocrifie ill R.eligiu~ cious heart; but Oh that this might go to the bottom of' crer~ unfound fpirit 1 · , sE R M. XL II. 'The fjrounds or ~fons 'nlh) aO (hould . takf~ heed of Hypocrijie. · Bew4re D/ the leven gf 1he PhArifees, which is Hypo.:.. lri{i~. -Greunds 'or T· He godly manyou heard is c;arefully t~ beware of this motivesagainft: fecret and dofe fin, as well as other men. . tais finae af. let us in the neltt place confider the grounds why he muft ~!!fe hypo~nfy be thuscircuro'Petl. And · Firfi, Brcaufe ofthe pojfi/:JilitJ andpronmeffe that u inhirn, t1 be enfnared by thujinne. The very .caution doth imply, that we are tinder and fi:raw; if a fpark of this fire fall upon us, it is ready to fet all on a flame, t.M11tth.26,69. What a fad in– fiance have we of Peters faHhood and diffii:nulation? He curfetl.and fweareth th"t he ~<tte~ not Chrift, as if he had never beard of fuch a man. Oh what groffe hypocrifie and falf– bood was here 1Thus Ga/.2.13· we fee a fpice of the like hy· pocrifte in him, whenwith the {ew, he walfzsd a& A ltw, and thereby through his example compelled others alfo,infomuch that 'Barn~tlnu was carried afide with that diffimubtion. How greatly was Paulsfpirit moved at this, ver[.14. when he faw _.they d~d not walk uprightly according to the truth of the . _ 9ofpel,