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of HJpocrifte inReligio,;: 361 Gofpct, and be wichttood him to t'he face. Thus you fee even godly men areape to halt and reel from one fide to another, [ill uprighrneffeconfirm them; we might infiance alfo in D11vid, who upon that forrl hypocrifie run ni ng all al~ng tbe ma ccer of Vriah, is -faid eo have his heart upri ght to · God, and to follow himclofely ~ only this fad is excepted, 1 Kings 15. 5• Whatancxcellenc copy had David been, htd not thi s foul bloach fallen upon it? And therefore P/al.51. this conCidcra tion -of falfhood, that he had not done up– rightly before God, did teem to be the grcatefi wound on hisheart, '"[hou defireft tr111th in the inwardpart I. By thefe ex– amples we may qu ickly gather, how frail and brittle we are. Even the firongefi Samfon may quickly be enticed by this Delilah , yea certainly t he heart of every man i~ fo apt to be falfe ia all the things of God, chat it is as wonderfull the foul of a man doth not overflow this way, as the Sea doth not break out and drown the Land, feeing then thou maidl fo eafily fall, obferve well thy fiep1, left thy confcience up– on fuch defaults fay tO thee, as Ahijflh to Jeroboams wife", 1 King. 14. 6. Ceme in thou wife of Jeroboam, why feigneft thou thy fdf to be aoother? for 1am fcnt to thee with hea– vy tidings : fo after this manner thy awakened confcience . fay, Come, thou f~J(e deccitfull heart, why feignefi thou thy relf tO be what thou art not? Why doetl: thou appear as if for God, whcR it is not foP I mufi: tell thef' heavy tidings from tbe Lord; Didnot the heart of Iud.u thus roar like a Lion upon him ~ Secondly, As hypocrijie u afinne, thegodly ~tre prone unto, 2. fo it uhardly difcovered; many that ad hypocrific do not believe they do fo, and commonly the more confident and felf– juftifying men are, the more their hypocrifie is, as you fee it was in th~ Phari!ees, as ic was efpecially in Par4l, who thought him[tlf bjund to do (u'ch things ag~infl Chrift: 11 counter· feiting and painting is hard to fiode out. In all Sciences he mutl be a good Scholar that can difcern between vera and verifimilia; and thus itis alfo in pratlicals, to d.iifcern when its God, or when its any ~ther motive that moveth me to what is good. No doubt but Iehu thought what he did was · A a a out