Of HypecJ>ifit in Jtliglon~ oqt of pQre zeal ~o Gods glory~ that all was out of love to j~ftice,~l'ld the pure wodhip or Go,cl; tbe"fore be faid~ c omi ~Jn.d[eemy ~eal;ytt all this while' Ichu did wholly delude him- . (elf,it was ambition,it was. high & lofty th6ughcs tha,t carried him on fo fiercely. Peter,what confidence had he in hi-s fidelity and fh:ength fol Chrill: ? but he did_ not know his own flrength. Thofe Difciples that would have called for fire frfJmheaven, our Saviour curbs them ~ith this, You k_no-w H.ot what [pirit you ~re cf, Luk.9.55· And truly if inDivinity learned men finde it very hard after a fpecglative and doctri– nal manner, to give adiffc:ren~e ; no wQnd~r. if in the pra– Ctical and affeCl:ionate pan, we are much moreat a fiand to know what is what ; To fa,y t.his is gold, th_e other is droffe; ,This is f6r God, the othe!r is only fof my fdf; if then no -dif– cafe can be. cgred, uol~fi'~ it be firl1: known, t:hen this £hould make the godly tremble more at ir, be~aufe this enemy may be lurking in them, and they know it not. Ob how many are apt to fay, Go-d ~oweth their hearts ! They mean well, they defire, if they be infalfe waies,(o be found out, but aH is from a prefumptuous foundation alretdy laid, that tbey did begin for tbe Lord, and fo tlill continue: Oh then, who will not take heed of that fione which may. prevail in me, and · yet I think tile clean contrary! Prov.I6. 2. E'l!ery w~am '\\JP~ie~ are clean inhu o-wneyes., hut the Lord pondereth the hearts. On then do thou ponder thy hfart, as well as God ! l was proud, and not aware of it, I wa.s earthly, felf-feek~ng in fuch amac· tcr, and did not percC!ive it. Thirdly, Let thegfJdly the.refore tak! heed of it, llec~trt{e God k._no-weth all things, ~e.;d With him they have to do in all their aEliom. David doth often quicken himfelf up with this, That God k.!J9weth th~ heart, he[earcheth and trieth the reins: Oh this would be an excellent antidote againft every falfe way 1 Yea .Mt only that God knoweth it,. b~t that he will difcover aud bring it to Jighr, asfollowcth in this next verfe, not onely thofe groffe fi.nRes fecretly committed, but all thofe hidden theughcs, and counfels of the heart, with what fpirit, with what frame of foul thou didfi: every thing, yea h1: bath appointeda day of iudgement,. when the coun.feJs of