Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

Q{ Elypocri(ie in R.eligi~n~ ~6J of mens bea?ts !hall be difclofed eo all the world, I Cor.4: 1~ do things therefore with no other heart ~nd thoughts then thou wo-uldtl have all the wortd know ir. How wouldll: thGu betfhamed if lllcn !hould fee that vain-gl~)fy, thofe earthly rcfpe8:s that yet are too much flirring in thee? Know that God will oneday make all tb is maniftft. , Fourthly, ThtrefDre t~/e.! heed •f hypocrijie , 6ecau{e the 4~ gr~~teft and 1m{f exctllent duties are 110t regarded where thu u, and vcr_y greAt failings ~tnd infirmities are pt.trdoned "'here jincerity u. Did not {chu do remarkable exploits for God? vet all was but a bu1rufh in the mire. Had not s~~.ut many commendable_things in him ? yet this hypocrifie totally marred him. Was not 'lud~U one of the lights of the world, and the fait to feafon the whole earth ? yec be was unfavoury fait bimfclf, beeaufr llc had not finccrity : So that truth and uprightneffe is in effetl: the marr~w and fub• lhace of all Religion. If Faith be finccre , 'if Love be unfeigned, then Gads love will cover a multitude of thy other infirmities ; but take this foundation away, and all fats to the ground. We reade of many of the godly, fometimes for their fpiricual condition like Ltt«rm in his body, full of fores, yet the prcdom Robes of .Chrifts R.ightcoufnc.ffe covered them, becaufe they were upright for the main : Oh how bappy is this, when thou canll: cotne into Gods prefence, ami truly fay, 0 Lord, thou-gh I am bowed by many infirmities , though weakneffes are more then the hairs of my head, yet the bene and inclination of my foul is really and fincerely rewards tllte ! This prevaileth rnucfi with God : A-s the Fatbtr is greu:- ly pitying bis childe, .whrn he feeth him faint and weak, yet very willing to do his commands. On the other fide, when fome come with a gloriot~s floutifh, faying, Have n~t "'e prophefied ? Have tJot ' We Wrought mir~cles ? God {ball fay to them , There was a bitter root within from whence all this: did Bow, man did not fee ir, but God did; this will undoubtedly be the bitter h~rb in the pnt~ tage : What can be a greater rcafon, why the~odly fhould prefcrve this precious frame ()f fp· rit , [Rea conftderatitms . . A. a a~ from