Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

ofElypbcrijie in Rtligi~11• 1 from·bence,All is well,or all ill is forgotten,where uprightnes doth prevail. Fifthly, Thty hatJe cau{t to watch If$ainft hyp9crifie, btc~tuje of thedoubtings anddi(con{o!llte objtEttonJ it brings. The hy– pocrite hatb not any true folid peace or joy, it cannot be that he fhould be without many black cleuds upon his heart. Fot feeiog he doth not give all diligence tomak! hu calling Jure, but he is off and Ofl, backward and forward ; this putteth him i.n– to fuch confolacions as his duties are; they are uncertato, and fo are thcfe; they float up and down, fo do his hopes, lam. I. :A dou&le mindedmanu inconftant in a/l hu 'Waies; and therefore as his duties fo his comforts are; fometimes they · are lifted up to the hnvens, and again they fall as low to the earth, and it cannot be othcrwife, forT John 3· Iftmr hearts condemn m mt, then haveweholdneJfe,"With him; now the hy– pocrites heart becauf~ it doth not fully clofc with God, IS therefore like a !hip without an Anchor, in d'anger of being fplitted,at every rock. - SisthIy, Ahoveall things t ak! hred ef hypocrijie,hec14u[e t_here u n9 temptation orgriefof minde more terrible then to lie under thuJe~tr, that thou ~~trt- anhypocrite, that all u rotten in thee.For a.lthough many times thofe whore-he-arts ·are mofi fincere, do walk in this darkneffe, an~ they fear it moft, who have caufe to fear it lcafi, yet it is an unfpeakable fad thing, when we walk fo falfly and deceitfully, as to give jufi occafion for fuch doubts to be raifed in our hearu. Oh this is an be.avy fione that cannot eafily be rolled away l To have it fet upon thy hnrt, and this furthereA by the devil, that all thou doefi is -in h~pocrifie, in guile;-th ~ t therefore the promifes of Chrifr and grace do not belong to thee;-what comes neare'r hell ehen this condit,ion? Iffo be theretfore any thing may prevail Wlth us to walk uprightly, let the confiderationof thofe woes and wounds, and trou"bles that-will faH upon thee, make thee avoid hypocrifie; This will So/em e· mtmdo tollere, uke rhe Sun out of thy litrle wprld ; .This will rai fe ups. great gulf be– twe n thee and Gods favour, who knowetb when thill bhck– 'oudwill fli cover ? This may make t!1ee go I~ me to the gl·ave. 9n the other fide, for amaa to have a good teftimonie