Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

of Hypocri{ttin Religtm;, pie and·atforanct of his integritie, is the'greateft refrdhment: in the,world, fib 33·23· Thuewe have Elihu enlarging his dlfcourfe concerning that man who is bound in tbe chains of his fins, .and kept in fad darkndfe, If there !Je a meffenger, an interpreter, one amongfl ~ thoNf,md, to /htw man hu upright– ntf{e, the-nhe u gr11ciom untohim; Hi& jlefofoal/~~fie/her then ll childes, He /hAll pray unto C~d, and he foall fa hu fttee with jOJ· See here, wben aman comes to know he is,Uf'rtglu, that temptations of hypocrific do not overwhelm him any more; .then he that even bodily decaied and pined :away, doth grow frelh, and he that could not pray,had no heart to' ir, found himfelfafraid to pray,fitall pray and have much joy: Oh then, , who is there that feareth G9d , that knoweth how bitter a thing it is to lie under Gods frowns? bow infupportable to be kept at a difiance from God, and ro have nothing but dif. couragements from within ? who (I fay) that knowct:h rhefe things experimentally will not take heed of that finne, whic~ above all other doth make the foul thus blet>d, and is hardly fienched? Sevemhly, Tak.! heed1Jf bypocrijie, hecau(e it puts a rrMn out of Gods proteElion, ottt of hi:1 care t!nd love. Firfi, it puts aman out .of Gods way, and then out of hi' favo'ur and promifc. to help, for the hypocrite is his own carver, he will not truft God, he followeth his own carnal advantages, and rhus God lets him alone to fave himfelf, to reap~he fruir of hi~ ovvn fol .. Jy and wicktdneffe, Pro.xo.9. He that 1ralk[_thuprightlywalk! fafely,fecurely. Then the hypocrite is ftarfull and,doubtfuil, l1e cflnnot cAfl hu b.urden upon the Lora; neither will chc Lord take care for him; but as for the upright man, many glorious promifes are made to him, Pfa/.37· 37· he cals all the world To marluheend ofanUE.right man, tofee iffor the moft part it !Je not peace; andwhere any {ad :afflitl:ions have befallen them,as uponDavid,!omtimes it was for their halting beforeGod.How comfortable is that I fa. p.2. He /hall rnter inro fMcc , hry foal! rtjl in their beds, each onewalk._inginhu ttprightnrJTe. Ob then, .what terrour ihould this be ! The hypocrite who truHrth eo his crafty counfel!l~ o his power and firength, will adhere , to his own lt1fitrat11 ~r thenGods Word ,confultmgwith fldh A :a a 3 and I