Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

8. of Hypocri(te in .Religion~ and bloud in all things, he puts himfell'OQt of Gods favour£ He dotb as ifone in tl)e f\.r~ \l{Oqld wilfully hav~ thrown him– felfoutof the Ark into the waters; what fafety could he then expect? You have a pregnant inHancc in th'is concerning A{a, 2 Chron.i6.8,9. A{awhile he relied on the LO·rd, G.od ddivered him, bot whenbe trolled in the Kiagof AJ!jria,he had done foolifhly, and from chat time he fho'\ld never be withoutwarre: For the eye of the Lord runmth tot~ndfro tho– rowoHt thewh~le eArth, to foew himfelf ftrfJng for the upright. There needs no Stars when we have this Sun ; Who may not fay of this Text, lord it is enough, it fufficeth. Eigbtbly, Beware above ttll things of hypocrijie, hecanfe it u tJHr dniy to be reftored to thllt holJand lmtveniJeftatefrom whenr~ "YPe 11re fallen, Now that is a fbte of uprightnclfe, Ecclef.7•l9. Godmademan uptigkt, and the image of God is faid to be i~ righwm{nejfeand true holinej[e. .Adamhad an univerfal recti– tude in a1l the parts of his fou!, -he was whollyGods; all the Levehe had, all the underflandirig he had. all the firength be had, it was folely for Gad, and not apy creature. Seeing · then that holy ancl righteous ellate we were creared -in, was thus perfect and compleat, how fhould we breathe and pant after that eftate again? Oh it would n~t have been thus once! our hearts woald not have had fuch flaws and deceitful · leak– isgs as now they have: This is fo contrary te tliat holy image which is to be repaired in thee, that all thy endeavour lhould be, that it be trl,le holinelfe, not only bolineffe, but true ho~ lincffe. · · Ninthly, Tak.g hee'd ofthis, for this only in [omefen[e may ~~ faidto be the breachofthe Covenant; for as that tbough it re• quire perfetlion of grace, yet is content with truth ; fo hy– pocrifie is that which violareth this command.Hence are tbofe expreffions of feveral Kings, they did many things, bunhey did not walk perfectly as David did: When God reqt1ireth of us udove himwith all our heart, our foul a/!Jd flren,~th, this cannot be any further fulfilled in this life, then by truth and fincericy; a true heart is the whole heart, a true foul is the whole foul. Agodly man whofe graces areweJk and imper– fed, may in an Evange1ical fenfe be faid to fuitill tbis com- . mand • , I