368 of HyptJcrifie in Religion. of heart is firon~er: He chat is born of God bath this ima«'e qf righteoulneffa and erne bo!indf.: repaired in him, and ;1.. though there may be mJny combats ;lnd conflicts, yet grace #ad truth will prevail at 110:. As it is with fal!hood a-ndcrurh fn dodrimls, we fa~·, Trurh will at JaO: prevail, the Sun will overcome the night ; though it may be under a bufhel for a while, yet at l:lfi: it will gee into a Ca.ndlefiick; like Chri(t biiilfelf, the grave that feemcd to fwallow him up,' did not overcome him : fo it is here with truth and faJlhood in pra· Cl:icals, The phinneffe and uprighcnelfe of the godly will by degrees confume chat fal!hood; and thus you tee there is a· grtat difference be.tween thefe two. To conclude this Text and fabjecr, Let this daily and con– tinual dropping of this ne~effary truth at laft foften and mol..– lifie your heart, let thefe many fpa.rks of fire kiRdle in your bre!.l. You fee as long as this worm is in thy belt flowers,they cannot but die. Bewa.re of it ~rfi: of all, you pray, you hear, but above all thin~ beware of. hypocrifie in them. Thou art . but an Idol in Chrifi:ianity, having eies thou doell:'not fee, or rightly u.nderlhnd in religion , till this foundation be laid: how loathfomc is hypocrilie to man? To think" one thing in your hear·t,and eo fpcak another thing,ix.9ek·ci~ alcflt.to. ' The Prophet Jeremiahdoth notably infi:ance fuch men, Chap. 41.2,3•Compared with zo. Ob take heed ofthiskinde efhy– pocrifie 1Thou maiefl: pray to Go~, delire to be 'dircd:ed in his way, .while thy heart is pitched what to do, but though God or his Word command the contrary, yet for dl that: praier and fupplication thou wilt do it. You fee its a d~ngerous thing for a mans heart to be fee this way er that, and then pray-to God to direct him·, for this is but hypocri.(ie. Thou ' mull not prevent or anticipate God in praier, but with Paut refign thy felf, and fay, Lord, What wilt thou have m1 t~ do? FIN I. s~