Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

oft/JeJ!ealtf•t-r;eJl i;.Jjjlile-1j ~Mis ,a,.t; f x Caith,as he faid, lArd I /Jeleive,Muk.9.14. orwhenhe loy~ God,u Peter to Chrift; T~oli k.,no'tPeft .I love thee, Jqh."~·H• foe this decei~fnl~~e Sf\dguite.is in its pr.edQmig~cv~~ away. Though ~cc,ei~ .be ·j~-~ §edly~*~ h~~rt,yet l}f~Rt~ ~~ .reigoe tb,re. 3·: As c'Ortnpt~d ongmaUy, ~ and 1i ~d }W.tt~ .·fcl-love and felf·flattery .; and thus it is alwayes eith;~r,4,ecei· ved, or deceivingofaman: So that tbe confid·eliatiQJ,¥ o(cbe heart ofman,in thefe three refpetls,natur~ll,fupernaturali ~nd corrupted,may take away all doubts-, , •.._ , .. 2.· Even the god!] m-ins hMrt dea.eivtth}Jim of' the r'igh~~IJ4, 'When he judgeth him{elf in the btacl{_ temptati'f~J, _and mifiJ And wheA t. . clouds that Are Npon hid heart. This is rtccetfary fqr fo(he ~ofy hm;.n j godly perfons to confider ; 0 h Chcy can with fad tear~ a;n~ }~lfg:~en ~~i! _bitter fighs ·tell you, Th.e heart is decei~full.; whe.n !y;<>Q. _tell under tempta– them God bath wrought great' and g-ood ~cbi~ ·in their tions or differ:. fouls, That they do r.epent,and doJove Ged: But-d1en·they tians. never think that tht heart is alfo deccitfull ·in tdling.us, that we are not the children ofGod, we have .not bii Spir-it, his gracious comforts do no·t belong to us; .oh th,;ey p~VJ!r think their hea-rts ·maydeceive them this way; .wher~ai iptbe tern· ptcd foul: nothing is more ordinary. As thou· mull: not be~tr fa.l/e Wi~nej[e Againfl thy neighboNr, fo neither againlt thy own fdf: Its not pride but thankfulneffc, to acknowledge that grace God bath wrought in thee. Oh then fay,all that heavy .. judgeme.nt thou paffethupon thy fdf,all thbfe hard' thopghts d1at are againfi: thy own felf come from adeceitfull .htart: You dare not judge another man to be an hypocrite; you dare not have hard thoughts againll others, why then againft thy own felf? Ics faid in Pbilofophy, That fenfe is notdecti– ved ~bout its prpper objetl, that is, if it havea fit rod-proper med1um; theref{)te becaufe the wat~r is· nQt: a dlfpofcd me l • dium, the eye ju'dgcth a ftreight flick crooked, ~nd fa itis here. ..Thy heatt looks upon all thou haft or d.oefl, th_rough wattr,and therefore thy tilpright heart feetnetb~rooke4. 3· Thegodqmans hesr.t deceives him, by m.1kf:ng fatfo crmfe• ; •. , quences, efpcct.ally after this kinde of way. . . :- By m~kmg · Frlt B fi h 'h · h .h' c ·:.. , fal[e confefit h ·l t ecfiau e. t e earht percetvet mut 1Jnne; , 10111 great quences. t.· ; tnere ore tt ar~uet , I maynot lay hold upon Chrifi, I. H 2 Im1y