.True Signe of Grace. Sa cr. IL, ward man vifible to others. The pharifees whowere free fromOutward wicked.. neffe, yet abounded with heart-defilements, as ourSaviour chargeth them. But Pauldoth deeplybemoan the evil motionsofhis heart and Hetekah bumbled himfelf for the pride of his heart ; That pride, unbelief, earchlineffe, and feveral lofts of foularedifeovered by him, and crucified, and we read of no hypocrite thatwent fo farre. Again, There are fins done in fewer , which none, or few know, fuch as theft, uncleanneffe, unlawful trading, crafty policies,: or pub- lick, that are asit were upon. the Theatre in theeyes of all : now thegodly man abhorreth the former as wellas the later, he dareth not commita fin in theeye of Almighty God, which is every where, he feareth Gods knowledge of it more then all the world. Again, Sins are either ofcommi on, by apofitive difabedience unto the Law of God, or ofomifon, by defell orneglrtt, fuck are omiffion of holy rekigious du- ties, negleéf, lukewarmneffeand diffra tiontherein; now a gracious heart ab- horreth notonly groffe fins, butdefecis inholy Ordinances. As God is an;ry, Whenwefall from our firfá love, whenweflrengthennot the things that are ready to dye, when we are notfervent inSpirit, laving the Lord. So alto is a godly man much troubled and grieved herein. Further, Thereareftnsagainfl the moral Commandments of God, which are of good things intrinfecallyfo; and againfi pofttive commands, whichareonly good, be- castle commanded. A fançtified perfon feareth the finne againfi the one, aswell as againif theother; thus hefeareth to prophane the Sabbath, to ufe any falfe woríhip; to come to the Sacrament in anunprepared manner, as well as to be unjuft and oppreflive. Laffly, There arefins that become endearedby enflame, education, complexion, by profit or pleafteres. Now notwithítandingall thefe temptations , the godly man throwech them away like menffruous cloth yea the fins they have been molt enticed with, they manifeft the greatefi zeal againú,and defre in all things to ¡hew themfelves approved. Oh (Beloved) if thefe marks and figns be in you, then may your joy abound. Do not henceforth 'argue thus, Hemuff needs be a god- ly man; for he hath fuch revelations, fuch enlargementsinduties; he hath had fuch experimental workings upon him, he is of fuch opinions, for fuch a Church- government. There are nothing, Is hea man thatdareth not fn? Is he a man that is afraid tooffend God inanyof thofe waits mentioned ? This man is godlyby Scripture-judgement, whereas the other may be only in the fight of themfelves and others. And Oh that the good old Scripture-way of bringing men more into the fight of finne, the loathingofit, were more preached andur- ged amongff us. If'ehssbe norafraid to finne, if ?ileitis be not afraid to thine, let thembaveall theglorious appearancesof godlineffe that can be , they carry not a true badge of holineffe upon them. 7. Seventhly, This frame of heart againflpine, is fo real and operative , that al- though it cannot wholly dry up thefountainof corruption within them, yet it doth all thefoggy andmiery puddles o fgroleandenormous courts. The Apof le faith, The fruits of thefleJh are uncleanneffe, lafcivioufneffe, idolatry, wrath, envyings, drun- kenneffe, revelling, withfucklike; andthat they whichdo there thingsJhall not inhe- rit the Kingdom ofheaven. Therefore an habitual!, confiant prophane perfon, cannot fay, He is born ofGod. , Oh do thou tremble, who livell and walloweft in thy gorebloud ! Thy prophane Oaths, thy malicious hatred of the things that are good, do they not difcover thou art inthe gallof bitterneffeand worm- wood ? Benot deceived, there are but two forts of men, Either the children of lightorofdarkneffe, ofGod, or ofthe devil. There is not anyhearer this day, but is either in the !late ofgrace, one of Chriffs fheep, or in the fiate offsnne, one of Chrifts goats ; Now in which number art thou ? Doe not affions betray force ? Do not words betray others ? Do not commiffions tfome ? Do not 'omit- lions others ? Oh thatthe wordofGodmight fall like fire into your bruits 1 why fit