S a e r. II. 7rae Signs of Grace. 77 fit you fill? Why arenot your confciences refleeting upon you ? What am I,Lord, andwhat is my way? - Eighthly, This is align, asit doth not onlyoppofe it inourfelves, butlet againft 8. it inothers. Forbeing born of God,we now (thoughwith great difproportion) re- femble him ; and therefore as God is of purer eyes then tobehold iniquity ; and he is angry with the wickedall the day long ; fuch is a godly man in refpeft of his zeal againft finnewhere helived]. Thus David, I hate them that hate' thee , with a perfeli hatred : And Lot, His XI foul was tormented with feting and hearing the wicked allions of the Sodomites. If therefore thou art born of God, thou wilt not beat ungodlineffe in thy family, the zeal of Gods houle will make An item to thee fee it be not a den of thieves ; Oh that men in great place and power great men. would put forth fuch a divine Indoles againft finne. What a flume is it to thew animofities, and an high fpirit in a carnal way, and dot able to de- monftrate an heroick fpirit againft frnne, and the workes of Satan every where! Ninthly, It is a fign, as it putteth a manupon the choofing of any outward '9. Won rather then to fune again God. lob was charged to choofe finne rather then afflic4iont but herein he was wronged. It isa true touchftoneof the pow-. erfull work of grace, thatit makes aman fear the evil of finne, becaufe it depri- vethus of an infinite good , rather then theevil ofpunifhment, which takes away a finire good ; Hence where this work ofgrace is, though forms and tempetts mile, yet they arebuilt upon a rock ; They fear not miferies, death , they fear only to fin againftGod. t The i fe isof Exhortation, To lay this fgn clofe upon your hearts. Areryou vfe. fuch that cannot, that dare not , that have an habitual averfneffe from finne, that are of God, hatingevil as he hateth ? behold what a lure evidence here is of thy eternal Salvation. But alas, where are the men ? how few are they 'of whom this Text is true, They finne not, neither can they frnne ? The contrary is true, They lovenot thatwhich isholy, neither can they, becaufe they are of the wickedone. Nature fequitur femina quifque fut. Fortes creantur fortibus; See an excellent Antithefis, john8.38,39,40,41,44,45. Hoyedid the Pharifees fee thedevil do that which theydid ? They thought not fo, for they faid, Theywere of Abraham, but becaufe theyexpreffed intheir lives fuch wickedneffe as wasin thedevil. No doubt but many willtake it ill to be Paid, They areofthe devil, but their alions demonftrate it. h <<rynTW4nV7SInSW7r1`V7AS^Yt^Y'?!Ufs^Yt4trW^Yt^VtrYr+4?W4s+UV4e L3 Ss amen