Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

St:t*ItlAt4Ittat44tIttIttltlt -WP 4? 4k 4^ =IP744(÷ir 4049 4--:,44 4,44 ,,;, 44 44 r;.:4' t4 4. ¡ `l 444 ,%4 1' 44454. vi177TV7TVZ7177T77611741 A Table of the Texts and Contents of each SERMON inthis TREATISE. SECT. I. octríne of afíuranreanD goígnegia SERMON æ Corinth.ts.g. Examine your felves whether ye bein thePith, prove.; your own felves, &c. How neceffary and advantagious the Affurance of our being in the flare of Grace is. SERMON III. Whether hypocrites may not attain to force meafure ofpraelicall Knowledge inmatters of Religion. SERMON IV. . That Affurance may behad, SERMON V. Han dleth theadjunEts ofAffurance, IA; The Poi ibility, Excel- lency, Difficulty, and Neceffity of having it. SERMoN VI. Sheweth thedifference between true Affurance andPrefumption. SERMON VII. ContainethRemedies againft carnal]. Confidence, with Directions to the Godly that mournunder the fenfeof the want of Gods fa- vour. And why God doth deny Affurance, wherehe hathgiven Grace. SERMoN VIII. Holdeth forth divers Propoftions anddillinCtions about Marks and Affurance. Sam.