Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

gg True Signsof Grate. S E C inanded to repent, and to do her ftrfl things, toflrengthen the things that are ready to die. The ordinary comparifons are, that a godly man may be like the tree in winter, that hath lifein theroot, but yet the branches and outside difcovet none, or as the fire that lyeth buried upin a(hes. 6. As in naturaligrowth, there are many pull-backs, fomecimes a progreffe and then a regreffe. Thusit is with corn, trees, and man himfelf before he comes ro his term prefixed, and therefore we mutt not fay Such corn loth not grow, becaufe for fuch a feafon it maywitherand go back : it is enough that in theend it cometh to its full growth and ripenetl'e : fo it is with agodlyman, he is not topafefentence of bimfelfaccording tofome'ieafons and temptations, for howoften ie he in awithered andbarrencondition ? buthe i, to compare one faJowith another, Yea, godly wens Rumblings do many times make them go the fatter : as fometimes after Gckneffe children grow thefaller, fo trueis that of Luther, that to the godly not only their mala paflìva, butaloma la adiva, through thegoodneffe ofGodfurther their growth in bolineffe. Thete principles are laiddown to explain the nature ofencreafe in grace. In the next place confider how many waies we may improve grace. r. We bringforthmore fruit, when the habits of our graces are more intense and enlarged: for in this fupernaturall habits agree with moron, that they arecapable of intention, whereby faith may be Made Rrongcr, love more alive, patience more refined. Their natures do not conflit in indivifibili, neither do any attain to-theutmoft of anygrace, Chrift only had fullneffe, and the spiritof godMOgi. ven unto himwithout meatre ; but in us it is otherwise: hence the Disciples fallen into tome ambition, our Saviour tels them, except ye be converted, that is, further converted and carried on in tanélfication, ye cannot enter into the kingdomof hea- ven ; to it isPaid of the difciplesupon fume remarkable Wage which Chritt did, that they beleeved on him, which is not tobe understood, as if theydid not before beleeve on him, but they were confirmed more. Oh therefore look upon itas a neceffary testimony of grace, to thrivemore in godlineffe, to have many cubits added to thy nature, fay with thyPelf, oh if the life of grace were inme, thouldI alWaies beat loch a flay, Would it be no more adive and operative ; do wicked men grow worte and worse, and (hall not I. better and better ? We complain of our childreniffent to school, and theyare Rill the fame, Rand ata Ray ; and may not the Miniflers of God complainof their people, if they be Rill the tame ?bow feverely and terribly doehPaul (peak to the Hebrews, because theywere babes tit, when they might have been thongmen? he threatens themwith the fineagaini the holy Ghofr, and total) apottafie, for not togo forward is to go backward, as it is with the boats in the river, if they cannot go on, they are drivenbackward NowMete habitsof grace may be made more intente, partly by more fervency, when our gracesarise to a greater heat, oa said: and love more burning within us; partly by more eafinefle, the waits of godlineffe arenot fodifficult, corrupti- on is more subdued, for habits are like a fecund nature, whichdoh facilitate and make all aâionswelcome, fo that his Commandements are not grievous; partly by more delight and joy, for this floweth from the former : hence when thepeo- ple of Israel offered fo willingly, they rejoyced in that they had such hearts. Now lee if thou main not in all thy graces be more fervent, more delighting, howoften art thou IaoguiRring, dull, and unwilling?how often are good things even irkfome and tedious to thee ? Oh doll thou not need purging to. bring forth more fruit. 2. Our graces may encreafe by a deeperrooting of them in our hearts; The more they root downwards, the more they bearfruit upward. The Schoolmen difpute Whether habits do encreafe by addition of new degrees, or deeper radication in the fubjeft : But I take it forgranted, that infupernaturall habits both thefe are different; iftherefore thou wouldet takeany comfort from thy grace, fee whe- ther holy things benow ingrafted in thee, do cleavedoter to tby heart ; for cer- tainly true grace brings fuck fweetneffe with it, that it makes the foul have more plenty