TH$ CONTENTS, SERMON IX,X. Shewing the lawfulneffe and duty of proceedingby way ofSigns And proving that inherent gracious Qualifications within aman, evidence his;Juftification. And anfwering manyDoubts about Signs. SERMON XI. Sheweth how many waies men may mifcarry in the workof Self= Examinationby Signes. SECT. II. aCon dining many true tígneß c Duce. SnaMON XII. r John 2.3. Andhereby we do know that weknowhim, ifwe keephis Gom -, mandments. Handling Obedience as a fign of Grace, SERMON XIII. aCor. r. ra. For our ripping is this, the teftimonyof our Conncienae, that in godly Implicit, andfincerity,&c. Handling Sincerity as a flan of Grace. SERMON XIV. t John3.9,50. Whofoever la born ofGodfinneth net, becasfe the feedabi- dethinhim; neither can he fin, becauféheis bornofGod: In this the children of Godare manifeft. That Oppofrtion againft,and Abfiinence from fin, is a fignof Grace. SERMON XV. Pfalm 26.2. Examine me (oLord) andprove me, try my reins andheart. That for a man to be willing tohave his foul fearchedby God,is a fignof Grace. SRamoN XVI. John 55.2. Anaevery branch that beareth fruit he purgetb, that it may bring forthmorefruit. Growth in Grace, a fignof Grace. Satin.