Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

94 True SignsofGrace-). S a c r. j 1. the Spirit.. Co1.1.18. Year love intheSpirit.Now this addition [in the Spiritaim lieth thatthereare many actions that are done by us, but unleffe they be per- formed in the Spirit, they come ¡bon ofthat divine and excellent nature,whicb God looketh at. Gratia non tollit, fedartollit naturam,Grace doth not deftroy the natural facilitiesandadions of the foul, but it elevateth or fublimateth them to a more noble confideration; and this is the reafon why a natural man can do no- thing that is truly and theologically good, becaufe of the tranfcendent excellen- cy of it's nature, but this is hardly difcerned ; and if there be many , yea molt thingsin nature, wholeeffence we perceive not, it is no wonderif we be fo dull in fupernatural. Secondly, Spiritual a'c`lionsare difroveredby thefountain from *hence they flow, Afpiritnalprinciple, which theScripture cals a divine nature, yeathe lifeof God. As ¡fade is called A childeofthe promife, becaufe he was born by the nicer word and power ofGod, Sarahs womb being a deadwomb ;1bus alto all godly actions, are actions ofthe promife, having their exiftence meerly by that, mans natural power being altogethera deadwomb. And this alfo can little help as a figne, be- caufe the root ofour adions,like thofe of trees, lieth under ground, and is fo un- difcerned. g. Therefore thirdly, Infpiritualafiions, thole motives andends that are attraflive arefpiritual. Every action is fpecified by the formality of theobjed, and fo re. ligious adionsthey arefpiritual, when the reafonor motiveofdoing them is fpi- ritual. Hence they are called Virgins, and theyfollow the Lamb Whitherfoever he goerh. This is that godlyfimplicity Paul(peaks of in himfelf, whereby, as of God, and to Godhe did all things. For want ofthss,God by the Prophet rejects thehumi- liations and faftings theJews did, whichyet were fpecious enough, becaufe they did it not to him, even tohim ; and this is a figs that may by the help of Gods Spirit be difcernedin us. For as the voluptuous than is carried out tofinful plea- lures, becaufe of the fweetneffe ih them ; or as a rational man is defirous to finde out truth, becaufe truth is a pleatingconnatural objed to his underftanding ; fo is a fpiritual man inclining to all fpiritual objrds, becaufe of thofe fpiritual con- fiderations that are therein. Delicata anima quafi abominator, per modemccmmodi gel pramiá diügere Deum. Now in all religious duties there aremany fpiritual at- tractives, filchas the commandof Cod, enjoying of, and communion with him, the light ofGods countenance and increafe of grace. Goe therefore and exa- mine thyown fell, What is the loadfone in all holy Duties? Whatis the mark thou aimedat? It is the intentionthatis the pulfe to feel how thy heart is. Fourthly, Spirirttality is difcrrnrdby the manner. Where theSpirit of God is there is zeal, fervency, activity. So that a formal,cuftomary, fuperficial perfor- mingof holy duties is extreamlyoppofite to a fpiritual deportment in them. tVef- cittardamoliminaSpiritusfanftzu. Hence it was chat it appearedinfire , and in a mightyrubbing *inde. Thus Stephen andothers are faid to befullofeke holy Ghoff when therewas ftrongand powerful workings of grace in them. Eliaswas a man of fire and zeal for God, and God gave him a finable reward, Hefter carried to heaven in afiery aharior,asaconquerour triumphing over all enemies. This theA- poitle fpeaketh of, when Rom.7.6. he fpeaks of the oldneffe of the letter, and tbenewnefs of Spirit. It is an excellent expreflion, and anhappy frameofheart, though tome of late have abufed that phrafe to dangerous errours. Hence the Scripture in an Hebraifm calstheexcellency andefficacy ofa thing, The Spirit of ir; As the Spirit ofwifdam, The Spirit of underflanding, The Spirit of meekneffe. Asthebodywithout the foul is dead, fo is a mans fpirit without Gods Spirit in any duty. Oh think ofthis, you who friendyour daies inan empty formal way of Religion; call as God by the Prophet cloth, Come, O Winde,:and caufe rbtf dry bones to gather together and live. Cry as the Church doch , Arife , O North, andblow, O South, uponour Gardens, that our fpicesmay [mall; How few fpiritual Chriflians ? Howfew fpiritual Duties, publick or private are there? The (hip of thy