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SECT. I.I. True Signs ofGrace. 95 thy foul brings-homenorich traffick, becaufe it wants this winde. Not that a manwho finds himfelfdeadand cold, without the effeftual power of Gods Spi- rit, lhould negleet Praier and other Duties till the Spirit breathe on him, as fome have pernicioufly taught. Forour Saviour Matth.7. fuppofeth that we are to prayfor theSpirit ; and David, how often Both hepray, ThatGod wouldquic- ken him ? But truly [och is the coldnelfe, emptinell'e, that now all Religion is fallen into, that if ever onemightdefireaSermontobe cloathed with as much dread and terrour as the promulgationofche Law was it might be defired in this point. Till therefore thouejeft thofe fpirits that are fo contrary to Gods Spirit, as the Spirit oftheworld efpecially, never look to take any comfort by thy Religion. Fifthly, Left this Spirit thould be a delufion, therefore in the next place, The 5. Voorkings ofGods Spirit are orderly, "rsot'inordinate, but exaelly to the Bale. 1 build this particular on theGreekword, Gal.5.z5. ifwe live in the Spirit, it as Walk by the Spirit, that is as the word" implieth , orderly , methodically , as when its faid, As many asfhallwalkby this canonor rule, Peace be on them. The Spirit of God putteth a man upon nothing that is againft theprinciples ofnature andfound reafon, nor against the word of God ; but verbum elf vebiculum fpirittet , the word is that fiery chariot in which theSpirit ofGod cometh. When the Apostle in the Chapter before, vertult. had given us this as alignof our being in God, that we have ofhis Spirit, prefentlyhe added:, Believe not every Spirit. Whofo- ever pretends operations, initincets and revelations-from the Spirit for duties not ;unifiable by theWord, fetsup a falfe and unholy fpirit, for the pure and holy Spirit of God : But of this more largely in the fille Pigne. All the motions and operationsof Gods Spirit are loft, quiet, ordered and confonant to Gods word. Sixthly, Where friritualoperetións are, there isa free andfpentaneous inclination 6, unto theduties Godrequireth. As there isinanhungrymantoeat ,andathirsty man to drink. Gel.5.aS. ifye be ledby the Spirit, ye are not under the Law. The Apostlemeaneth not the Antinomian fente, as if they needed notthe Law to di reef, guide and excite them, forhe preffeth with commands in the fame Chapter to mortifie finne ; and they may as well deny theufe ofthe whole Scripture, as the Law in that [ente, for all thewordof God is a rule and a guide; but he (peaks of the terrifying threatning and extorting power of theLaw, whereby a man Both thatwhich is goodwith the fame Spirit, as the lfraelitesmade brick under Pheroahs oppreffion; ofthis theApo41e (peaks, and that lo farreas they are re- generate, for theunregenerate part fades theLaw a'?hareoh to it, commanding brick and giving no itraw,injoining work andgiving no Itrength. Therfore where, the Spirit ofGod is, there they area willingpeople, yeà wi/lingurffes, as Pfe. r r o. in the plural number,and abfiraet is fell. And foagain, wherethe Spirit oftheLord is, there is liberty. La[tly, where the Spirit ofGodthm tborketh, there arefirong oppofitionsand cam- j. batsby the flefh andunregenerate part. GaLS. And this oppofition is not of the inferiourappetiteto the under Landing, butof every fan/lified part to the un- fandified part in the fame faculty, an holy regeneratewill againft theunholy un- regenerate will ; Therefore it's a great falfhood of the Hemifiiitcs, that fay, Its impoffiblefor thefame will ro beat thefame time goodandbadin part, therefore they fay, Itisfuccrfvelygoodorbad, and fo by this confequence'a man may have a regenerate and unregeneratewill fuccelGvelya thoufand times in a day. But of this combatewehave fpoken already. Ufeof Exhortation, Not to reft inany Naturals, Moralsor Intelle/huals, but v5 tobreathe afterSpirituals. As the body ofa man is firft Natural, and then by f the refurreetion it will be made glorious ; fo it is with the foul. If therefore you take all your ingenuous and lovely perfe/ ions, which you haveby educati- on