Sac r. III. I03 mottattot mult matattt *W4114444 ef*4******4*44*** TAIni4WWW mm m m SECT. III. A Difcoveryof many falte or unfufficient Signs of Grace, which carnall men fupport themfelves with. SERMON XIX, churchpriviledges no Sign ofgrace. ROM. 2. 2ß, 2y. Fcr he is not a few that is one outwardly, &c. He Aponte his fcope is in this latter part 'of the Chapter to convince the Jews that they are equally in afinfull and wretched condition with the Gentiles, and therefore need Chriff and Junification by his grace, as well as they. And that he may thebetter awaken them herein, who were apt to dote uponempty and vain ptiviledges, he takesthis sne- thod cocure them. w -- ' Fire, By way ofconceflion, he reckons up the peiviled- lesthey enjoyed, which are divers. I, Thou art calleda7ety; Whereas the people of ¡fred formerly were called If. raeines, after the captivity intoBabylon they were called Jews, and in this they gloried, as among its fame do in the name Chriflian. 2. He is Paid to yen in theLaw, viz. as given by God to that Nation, which he had not done unto any other people, and he ufeth an emphacicall word ; They made theLaw that to themwhich Chrift fhould havebeen, areff to their wearied foals. Thou makeft thy hoajt ingod: TheProphet fpeaks of glorying in God as a duty : hue here is is a Gone, for they boancd of him in a carnal!, faecious way, as their God ; Even as the Heathen boaned of their God, or as the Turks of Maho- Met, or as the Aponte of fame Corinthians, who when others were for Paul, o- thers for.Apollo, thele were for Chrift, that is, they fet up Chrit ina way of party and falbion againn others. 4. TheJewdid knowGods will, for to him it was revealed. y. He difccened the things that wereexcellent, or pro&table; or difíefentt, oc convenient,