Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

THE CONTENTS. SERMON XVII. t John 4.73. Hereby know we that we dwellin him, .tndhein us, beeáufe ke bathgiven us of his Spirit. Spirituall performanceof Dutiesa fignof Grace. SBemon XVIII. 1 John 3.18. We know that we have pattedfrom death to life becaufe we., love the Brethren. Love CO the Godly is a fign of Grace. SECT. III. 3Oífcobcrp of manp falte o, unfuffícíent ígnn of efface boliícll carnali men fuppmt tgemfelbe0 bntg. SERMON XIX. Rom. z. z8, 29. For he isnot a ew that is one Outwardly, &c. Church-priviledges no Ggn of Grace. SERMON XX. Matth.7.22. c olany willfay antomein that day, Lord, Lord, &c. Gifts and Parts in matters of. Religion no Ggn of Grace. SERMO,N XXI. Hebr.6.ç. But beloved we hope better things ofyou, and things that ac. company falvasion. That there may be affeiìions and fweet motions of heart in holy things, which yet evidence not Grace,nor accompany falvation. Seardon XXII. BOm,14.17. For the Kingdom of God is not neat and drink, bat Righte- oufneffet.Peact, andgoy in the Holy Ghefl. Sheweth, That from Judgements, Opinions and Difputes, Argu- ments of the Truth of Grace cannot be drawn. SartMon XXIII. I John 4.1. Beloved, beleeve not every fJirit, but try the ffrrtts, whether theyhoof God. Declaring