Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

to FalfeSinsof 'race. Sacr. III. them not: And that this fad portion will be to the greatepart of thofe that have enjoyed thofe priddedges, appearsby that fore -mentioned, Many arecalled, but fin, are chofen, which are not tomuch words, as thunder and lightning. Oh then think not thofe an Ark lureenough to keep thee in the deluge of many waters. 2. The Scripture reckons the condition ofa manWith chefs priviled es,andone With- And, reckons out them in the dame conditionifthere benot holincffe. Thus as you heard the Pro- thofechat bave phet 3eremiah makes the uncircumcifed in heart, though circumcifed in flefh,all one hea and that. with the worft of Heathens, the A4oabites and theAmmonites. And to this pur.. wantthem in he fame con- pate alto the Apóftle in the verfes before, Shall not thy circumcifton be accounted ditionwithout uncireumcifion,if thou keep not the Law.So that as long as wickedneffeis in thy life, hotíneire. thy Baptifm Both no more advantagethee then the Heathens no- Baprifm. It fhail not avail thee, thou haft called upon Chrift, thou haft fo many times received the Sacrament. Henceit is, thatthe Prophet cals thewicked Princes and Goner- nours, though ofIfrasl, yet Princes ofSodom andGomorrah, and fo may theMi- nifters of theGofpe! call prophane and wicked men, ye men of Scythia or Ame- rica, for this badge and mark ofChriftianity is not regardedbyGod, ifnot ac- companied with true. godlirtefs ; fo the Apoftle faith, oCor.tr. Thrais nottoeat theLords Supper, itwas as ifthey had not receivedat all. 3. 3. The Scripturegoeth higher, and doth not only make them equal withPa- Amid that God Bans, but Godprofeffethbei abomination of all their religious fervice, and thy wic- abominates kedneffe is more noifome then all thy Religion is well-pleating; See Ifa.t. ,how them. Godexpreffeth himfelf concerning theSacrificesand new Moons of the finfull Ifraclites, Hehated them, they Were an abomination to him, it was like cutting ofa dogshead;Oh howcontrary are Gods thoughts,and thy thoughts about the fame religious duties I The Prophet Haggai altoHag. z. Both by an excellent inftance fhew, That if a man be unclean and finful, his holyCervices do not take offfrom his uncleanneffe, but his uncleanneffe defiles them. Oh thereforeconfider, that t hou haft many dead fliesfallen into this boxof ointment, and therefore cannot be favoury unto God ! Thy fwearingtongue Both more offend God then thy praying tonguedoth pleafe him ; t byfins will cry louder thenthy prayers, yea God will anfwer theeaccording unto the abomination of thy Idols ; he will anfwer thee not according to theduties thou art doing, but thy fins thou haft committed ; heBoth not look upon thee as one praying or hearing now, but as one unclean, dumb or vicious inCome week. day. Oh why do your confciences lie in loch a deep fleep inyour bofoms ! Why dochnot that Serpent in thy breath begin to hiffe and fling thee at the hearingofthefe things ? 4 Laltly, 7hif arefafarre frombeingßgno without grace, that they Will beaggrava- They will be tions of thy condemnation. As in fame Countreys when their malefaftors were to aggravations be burnt at the fire, they poured oil and pitch to encreafe their torment the more, f thy torment if fo will every Sacrament, every prayer, every Church - riviled a make hell. the thou have Y Y! "Y P g o not grace. hotter for thee. Woe be to theeCorazin and Beth /aida, TyreandSidon, Sodom and Gomorrah, Heathenifh perlons, and chat in thehigleeft way ofwickednefle shall have leflèr torment then they ; and fo mark theApoftle here fpeaxingot theJew, he faith, that by the leccerandcircumcifionhe did tranfgreffe theLaw, t- ow was that? Even by thofe Priviledgesand Ordinances he was mtde the gee ater tranf- grefl'our. Rea/on. Now the ReafonWhy theft are notfureßgns, is, Becaafeno promife of 'unification Why not ligns. ör Salvation as mademeerly to the safe ofthem. Our Saviour faith nor, He that is baptized 'hall be Paved, but he that believeth land is baptized. Thus as God com- manded the Jews to circamcifé theirforeskin ; So Godpromifeth as the mercy of all mercies, heWouldcircumcife theirhearts tolove him. Look thenover the Scri- pture, thoucanft not finde any one promifeof pardon, or eternalglory to thee, becaufe baptized only, becaufea Chriftianonly, becaufe receiving a Sacrament only, unleffe therebe alto renovation in thy life and converfation. Igrant that becaufe