S a c r. III. FalfeSigns ofGrace. 119 becaufe when hot perfecutions arófeit prefently withered, but had no filchforms or tempcfscome, an houfethat isbuilt upon the fand only, will not fall. Ir is the opinionof a learned man, ConradneBergitu, praxis Cathol. pag.ioç. thatit is not likely thatany onedyech a meer temporary beleever, but that at leaf when hecometh to die, teeing he muti part with worldly comforts, which healwaies loved more thenGod, he then fretteth and murmureth again( God, and fet ert- eingui(heth chat temporary faith and affeetions to God ; or Ife refignech himfelf up unto God, andofa temporary faith there is fuddenly by-the grace of God a faving faith ; let the Authour fee to themakingof this good : We call it not tem- porary, as if it wereneceffary therefhould.be Apofacy from thefe. Certainly the foollib Virgins were Inch Chriftians as did live and die with temporary faith and affeetions to God, disc had a lamp and fhining, and fo tome oil, elfe their lamp couldnot fhine,but not filch (lureas would holdout: fo then, thefe affeetions and :notions of thy heart, may be all the pillar thou leanef upon, when yet many damned inhell have gone as far. 3. Chriffiant with theft temporary aff-dimdo net confitutea third kinde ofbe- 3 Temporary leevert between convertedandunconverted, but are in the flate of unregenerate pér- pubeneelefownesnr. s rae e fist; And the work upon the godly and thole rem graria differ not only ßaadual- lyor in duration, but eflentially and fpecihcally. They are then foohfh Vivins, They are thofe that build upon the fand ; They are the thorny ground t notwith, funding thefe great promifinghopes : So we lay,that we can neither call them re- generate nor unregenerate, nor- yet make them a third kinde, but that they are like the Embrio, proving abortive, whichwe cannot call eithera man or á beat; nor yet make it a third kinde, for it's only an inchoate, imperfect being t but by the Scripture we mayPurely enough place them in the rank ofchofe who are not members ofChrift, and not being united to himcannot be laid to partake of the divine nature, and thereforemolt be in a carnali, tinfoil temper, and are not like a treerooted that fproutetn andHourifteth, but like tome branch of a tree put in- to the ground, that may fprouc for a feafon.. 4. The afoEPionsand motions that(itch may have in holy duties, may be boonfe- 4. There 2I2 VeraIIvaunds ; fevarall As in the hrtt place, Thenovels auy' ohoflrangeneifieof thedob¿rine may *Itcháf. grounds of fitiand delight: Aad this maybe the reafonwhy they rejoyced in fohn Bapti,fls tomorssho- Miniftery: What went you out for to fee ( faith our Saviour) Ss 'ndou a forne t, (!range, new fight; and thus while thedoetrine of the Golpel is new; is bath ma- Novelty if ny admirers. Commonly in the work of the Miniftery, a newMinder is much doctrine: delighted in, whilehispares, hisabditizs arenew, menhear with joy : but through cullome, their aff etions do abate t and loch kinde of hearers I fear London bath many; We may fay unto 'many, What go ye out to fee rather then to hear. Therefore by the way take noticeof what a frail ground many go upon ; who fay; line they left our Congregations, our Minders;have gone into new waits of do- ârine, they fay, they havefound morecomfort, more fweet affeâions then ever; What argument is this ? All novell thingswill affeâ thug, and after ule and eu- Itome in thofe waits they are in, and theygo further into more new wales, upon new changes, they will findenew afetiions. 2, t Aiieumapbe affeEtedWith the doEÍrine andtracias cf Chrift, its it is ea*forta- 2. fileor74donaIler; without any relpeift to a fpirituall operation. The Golpe! is cal- Comforrabla- led ï:uxyréntot, glad tidings, or good news, now a manmay be affected in hearing neffeor fad- this gracious ceúnlell ofGód to fave ¡inners difcovered, as he would be about any nelleofOld State or Common -wealth, good news wherein he is much concerned, and all matter. this is but knowing Chrif after the flab; or elfe the fadneffeof the Matter, the veryHiforyof Chrift recorded by the Evangelifs, may abundantly make a man Mourn to fee how the innocent and righteous one was put to death, Meetly to fatfre the lofs ofproud and carnall men; and thus as Ausiin faith of himfelf; Whenhe read the fury of Vide, hecould weep overhet dead, when he could not weep