S a c;-t. I I1, ;~.ilfe Signs of Grace. Bat could the Godlinefs ofour lives,be as convincing as the purity and truth of out Doftrines , Chrift would fay tous, Thou art altogether fairand lovely. the chifelt of ten thoufands ; then would he comeand ¡upwith no : In our Congre pionshe would manifefl a more glorious and efficacious power. Lec therefore all truth be incarnated into praetice,be a livingdefinition, awalk. ing definition of repentance : that we may learn fromyour lives what Grace is aswell as from books. 4444 P4, t wr _ï izse 4i to cq®iolo ow äa iLs,m !r1® "ir il`` Io `e ß a óÁ 1ó" `ó SERMON XXIII. Declaring whatdeceipts men lye open to injudging thofe things to be worksof theSpirit, which indeed are not. I JoHxç.1. Beloved, believe not every Spirit , but try the Spirits whether they be of God. THe Apoflle having alferred immediately before,in theverfe precedent ofthe former chapter, a true and tare fignof our flare of Grace, viz. The fa- lling and fanetifying operations ofGods Spirit, by whichthe Spirit difco.. vets it felt, as the fundoth it fell by its beams and heat, or as the rational foul manifefisit fellby rationaloperations : He Both in this verfe regulate us in our proceeding about this fign , advertifiogus not tobe toocredulous, or overhafly in believing every thing that may feem tobe of the Spirit. Where by the way you may fee itsno good argumentagainfl the ufe and truthoffigns, That menmaybe deluded, and think they have them, when they have them not : For the Apo- file at the fame time faith , We know that be abideth in se If the Spirit which be bathgivenkw, and yet addeth, believe not ever) (pirit, taking Spi. rit in both places c `,letoni nicaly, the effeets of the Spirit either real orpretended, for theefficient caufe, theSpirit it felf : So chat in the wordsyou have aeaationa, ry admonition,fet down Fiat , Negatively, Relieve net every d Brit : That is, everyDoftrine or Doctor, pretending Revelations from the Spirit, and by confequence notthy own heart, either inDoárine, or Confolation that may feem to be ofthe fpirit: for although the words following argue fpirit, to be meant of Doftrinal pofitions, yet the words going before in theformer chapter, are to be underflood of the operations and confolatmnsof Gods fpirit; and therefore we may undertand it univerfally of all the works of Gods Spirit, whether relating to Doftrinals or Pea. c`ticals. In the next place the duty is fet down Pofitively, Try theSpirits, which is to be meant thus, by the word of God : for all tryal fuppofeth tome rule by which the thing tryed is tobe examined : and this duty is impofed upon all believers, who though theyhave not a judgement ofDccifion, yet haveofDifcretien for their own felves, S In