Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

AEI 138 FAtfe Signs ofCraae. eJhie r.:¡IL It is judged byfome Interpreters, thofe were indeed for Chrifk, but they fet him up by way of a,party and faction, as theirChrift, rather then l.hrift. Although:therefore imprifonments, perfecutions, are terrible ind dreadfiA .to flefhand blood, and theymay bethought great teftimonies of love to Gòd and his caufe. Yetbe not too confidenthere, make diligent fearch oftttÿheart,whe- ther thatwhich moveth thee in allthefe fufferings, be not thy interefk, thou art ingaged in this way ; And foan argument from thy propriety, not Chrifis. pro- priety, prevail over thee. We may obferveof-Chnfkskindred,how defirousthey were that Ghoifkuhonid do miracles ; now their motive was not_fpiritual, that hereby he mightbe demonftrated the true Mefah, and fo mengracioufly receive him, but from carnal pride, becanfe be was their kinfman, and this might Halt their glory among others, fach carnal Pelf feeking affectiorïs metí may have to the truths of Chrift, defiring they may be exalted , becaufe hereby thet ifèlvës fhall be exalted. 1 I. Suffering Secondly, The power oftruthmay undeniably fo Workon the confcience, "that they only upon. cannot deny it, yet forallthit not powerfully fanftifie their hearts: Thusar* may troths c"vi- be fo convinced ofthe true Do&rive, and his confcience fctfilch a ftrong feat, to ttion,.not fan- it, that if he had all the world, he dared not gainfay it. Ba Wgin, thoai he had rations, ope- full rations. a hou e a o odd, yet Wouldnet curje thole whombe lawGod tt?ould., ble(re: oThe[é is a natural light andgoad by the confcience, wherebyit makes a man willing to undergoany punifhment rather then contradift it. Thus Iterates heidied for thistruth, that therewas but one God, andwhen he was condemned by the Ma- gifkrates, (laid himfelfwith thatwhich we readof the Apofkles,. Ti is hater to obey God then man. This makes it evident, that a man having no more then nature' in him, may yet die for thofe truths he is convinced of. Thus there are many who it may be reform not their lives from groffe impieties, yet woulddie rather then turn Papilla or Socinians, I mean learned men,; who have their underttand- ings fully fatisfied with the truth. And Hifkory affords us many examples of Heathens, who would ratherendure thewofk terrible death, then do any thing againft moral horsefly, why may not there beInch 'orthodox Proteflants ventu- ring as muchfor thofe truths, which they are perfwaded are of. God ?. There is a know approved fentence, Cacr[a Non plena facer Martyrtm; the caufe not the punifhment makes a Martyr, but this is not enough, for neither punifhn eat nor caufe make a Martyr, without a gracious frameof lean,at1eaYïto Göd; though, with manhemay be judged fo. So that thefe three roofgo to nrahe a Marryr,pu- nifhment,; agoodcaufeand a,popd:heart, "kl?Frefore.in all th ofufferings fay; It is notenough that I fuller for Godand his truth, but doefk' thou alfo fuffer with fuch a gracious, humble and heas.enly heart, as Gods taule doth require? Look thatbefides conviction ofjudgement,there be alfo renovation ofaffehtions. I I I.Suffedng Thirdly, A man may !offer, though for. Gods truth , yet _ the motive lee' the for truth but from a float meer fÉoutneff"e of his flomack, and undaunted' eefolutions,of f iris. 1_1s t!tete is ftomack. afpiritual fortitude .wrought in_usbyGodsSptrif, fo there alto infomé,men a natural heightof fpirit, wherebythey feaSafot "dangers or death. Now' iris much tobe enquired into, Whether thy fuffenngs age `from the;ftrEto i of Gods Spirit, or the fkrength ofthyown ? Even Ariflotle with his purblih&e light of nature could make a difference between, fortitude .a venue, 01A á {Tian would diefor venues fake, andupon vertuoils grounds ; and an ^ndacifu5 man, who would contemndeath hut of a raft' boldneffe in him. 'Oh then): How firelight is the Way to Heaven ?.-Howrare is grace, when Mir very futfetings in a good caufe, may be fo much corrupted and polluted;ibróugh finfdfl iTigre- diems? whenmen fhall faynot only, Latd , We have prayed in thy N. jle,' pro- phefied in thy Name; but Lordwe`h,ave fuffered in thy Náme, been imprifoned on thy Name, died inthyName, andyet God return this anffver, Depeirrfróm me, I knowye not. Fourth-