Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

SECT. Z i I. F'alfe Sigle:" of .0+40< 147 9. There is an excrinfecallcaufe which addeth to all this, and that is, the de- 9. Fron, Sam vil, be reigneth in the heart of every one by nature, be hath blinded their eyes, ran. blinding and hardened their hearts. Now our Saviour tels us, that while the firoug mgt mens eyes. keeps theboufe, all things are quiet : There is no trouble or conteft. Even as Pha- raoh let the people alone, till he law themdefirous togoout ofhispower. Won- der not therefore to fee morali, civill men, with Poch great peace and quietneffe in their confcience, never fearing of their condition, never doubting of their elate, for all this calmnelfecones in part from the devil, who keeps every thing quiet, and hardeneth in prefumption more and more : blele not God then for every peace and quietneffe thou feeleft in thy Self: The body may feel no pain from rom rottenneffe as well as foundneffe, and it may be thy condition were farbet- ter if thoucouldel neither eat or drink, or sleep for fear of thy conditiont Jle f(ed are they that mourn, andwo to thofe that laugh. so. Thelal and main reafon is, becaufe every man naturally isdeítirtoteofthe so. Frombe= Sprit, without whichwe areall devoid of lightand life. The Spirit of God .M.16. ino naturally is that whicheonvincerh theworld of flout; fo that a mancan never vigoroufly and d ittat of powerfully be afededwith his wretched eftate, till theirSunne-beams thine into Spi him, which will difcover the leaf motes; The ifiirituallman jndgeth all things. Hence it is that godly men thoughgreat proficients in grace, have lowerthaughts of themfelves then unregenerate men,only becaufethe 1piritofGod is alwaes con- vincing them of frnne,as well as fanetifying, and comforting of them againft it, Paulnever had filchdebated and humble expreffions abouthimfelf beforehiscon- verton, asafter : Would he ever have Paidaß his rigbeenufnefe was dung anddrof ? Thathe had notyetattainedwhathe defired ? Would he everhave acknowledged himfelf rkgrearcJl ofallJiwnersinhis former daita? No: The people of God are moredebsfed for their impeded duties, then wicked men are for theirgreateft fins, and whence is all this, but becaufe of Gods Spirit dwelling in them, and `in- lightningof them ? But wicked menbeingwithout this light, are not able to judge any thing about themfelves. TheUfe is, To take heedof this self-conceit and (elf love, deli re-GodsWord 'Life. may bea two-edgedfword in you, dividing betweenmarrow and joynts: I amafraid this Laodicean fullneffe is the tone of mol nowadaies, and this is as defperate an enemy to Chrift and his grace, as grotte prophaneffe, yea, in force particulars worfe. More Publicans and Harlots were brought to repentance, and fo to the kingdomeofheaven, then Pharifees. Oh then fear, left that which thou judgel thy bleffedneffe and happinefíe, be not thy greateft danger andmifery. Thou thinkeft it wellthat all is at peace and safe within thyfoal : Opray rather that God would convince and trouble thyfoul moreeffei3ually, and fo give thee truepeace. itillAstuslAttit4AttiMLA 15,Lt U2 SERMON