Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

THE CONTENTS, not with meats, that havenot profited them that have been occupied therein. Of the hearts being eftablifhed with Grace, and in what fenfe it is fo. SERMON LI. Shewingwhy Grace in the heart is better thenunneceffary Difputes in the head, together with rules how to manage Difputes and Controverfies without prejudiceto Grace. SERMON LII. That there isa work of God upon a mans heart, which is called Grace : And why inwardholineffe is called Grace. SERMON LIII. Chara6ters and Properties of a Gracious man. SERMoN LIV.. Rom:a.tq. And [hew the work ofthe law written in their hearts, their confcience alfo bearing witnef, &c. Of the Counterfeit of inherent Grace, vii,. Matadi honey : And why God hath continued in wicked menthe ufeof Confcience. SERMON LV. Shewing the caufes of the fenfelefnefs, filence and ftupidityof the Confciencesof molt mea. SERMON LVI. Shewing howprevalent Naturall confcience hath been inHeathens in referenceto good Laws, Books, Affections, Lives; and how it fhould ftit upChriftians to jealoufie. SERMON LVII. Demonftrating, that Naturall piety, Honefty and Sobriety, which is inHeathens or anyothers, isnot Grace. SERMON LVILI. Of Ethicks or Morali Philofophy, that it leads not to falvation: And that themorali verrues of Temperance, Fortitude, Juftice, Liberality,dre. arenot Grace. SECT.