Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

S a c T. III. Fad fe Signs of Grace: y79 le@ion fure, but by the gracious fruitsòfGods Holy Spirit. Think not to r,o into the North, by taking a journey Sonthward : and it is as abfurd co call God thy God, whenGods wales arenot thy waits, Gods doom-rands are not obet ed by thee. -The Spirit of God that fealeth and coinforteth, doch alfá fanEt:fie, ancfmake holy : Think not therefore to have fire;and no heat. Fifthly , Thi e fècure confidence.isnot fi4 1andEvangelicalin its operation": it is notfpiritual and intcruous: they are not hereby carried out to obey Gods torn- 5' mandemencs, out of love and delight in God : lose apprehends d by f tvilé flavifh difpoficions,makes themmore dïllolute, they turn the grace ofGod in-o wanton- mire, andmake finabeknd ,becaale Gods love abound eth ï. Ent love filed abrsjad, in the hearts of Gods Children, it works Evangelically, gracioull: defìring to become like God, who thus loveth us. Having th.feProud f s (faith the A,;oifle) let ue cleanfe our lavesfrom allftlthinef z Cor. 7. r. The promifes -were,.That godwould be our GodaridFathty : So then, COflfidcrtceofGodb love inanunrege- nerate heart, islike fume unkinde influences of the Oars, that carafe difea(es and putrefadions. When Papiffs obi: d again(: Filial altirance, that it breeds con- tempt, neglea of means, and dilfolotci:eife, WeAnfwer, Prefumptionindeed cloth , and a vain perfwaf;on, which wickedmen" have OfGods love ; but in the godly it breedeth acited like reverence,and holyfear to difpleaf that Ged,whofe gocdnefle we fo pl: ntifaily taleof: Examine therefore what the operations of this confidence are upon thee: Doeit thou herby take libertiein the 4waiei at fin ? This is ungodly. Sixr,ly, fo ¿a not aconfidence aa-ißsag tut offiaitna/confiiEl .and agony t and this is indeed a notable ddcoveryofall fall:: confidences : carnal prefumption of Gods favour, it meets with nooppofition:: a man fo carriedaway, never felt what trou- bleof fin is, what the terrible darts of the Almightyare , how difficult and fu. peinaturala workit is to relyupon Cods promifes; but all his joy andmeace comes with a great deal ofeafeto him : but in the godly it is otheewite, Tbelfeve, heto raj unbelief c foDavids Puabais, what ebbing andflowing he hach, confìdent Cif Gods favour ac one time, then ¡ardently as much dejetted and defpondent: See how he cxpolulattth, why art thou cefidown, O my foul? ful troll in God Now the ground of this difficulty and combat, is from the oppoition every thing fpiriruaI; bath to that which is carnal : adunregenerate heart doth oppofe Gods fpirit teal ingand comforting, as well as convincing and fanaifyieg. The eafnxfle therefore that thou findeff in having this comfort, may jollymake thee fufpelh it : fay , My quietneleis from the Duel, elle my heartwould oppofe it mole , I couldnot gee into a true Canaan, unleffe I went through fume wilderneffe. y. This carnalfecurity ¿cat that tire, r'a in thole conditions, when, the Scripture;call for shecontrary, Therefore it cannotbeefgoal, Asfor example, Thouart thus pen 7 twaded of Gods love, though thou keel in confiant waies of prophaneneffe ; though tiros negleftel the exercifeof all holy duties. Now remember, doth the Scripture callupon thee tobelieve that God is pleatedwith thee ? That he loveth thee ? No,Gods word commands thee clean contrary : it bids Each mourn and weep ; it callsupon fuch tobelieve thatthe threatningsof Godbelong to them; that God is not their God ; that their fins are not pardoned : Oh then , why will ye prefumptuoufly, and wilfully believe.a lie? Why doyou applie promifes toyou, whenyou Mould do threatnings ? Thou mull make a newBible, a new Scripture, ere thou cant takeany comfort to thy feif : Oh therefore ifthou didl knowwhat thou didit,and how it is indeed with thee, what an alteration would there be? . Forall that quictnefe, horrotar and trembling; for allthatjollitie,mourningand howling: for that eafinefs tobelieve,thouwouldl find it molt ditficult;Ob;isbe cait believe ? Loreimakeme to believe. 7fèof Exhortation, To awaken, ifpoffible,all fuch (ecure perlons : Do not V f?, the generality of Chrilians, as thofeof theJews,glory in this, god is their Fa- eher? But how cornea thisabout? Where is your evidence? How will you prove, Aa a it?