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188 Falte Signs ofGrace. Sacr. III. it ? put yourhearts to it. If thisconfidence of Godbeing your Father were tight, and of God ;thy life woulddiffer fromwhat it is, as much as light fromdark- neffe, a wilderneffe froma garden. Oh how may the Minihersof God with ?ere. my fay, Our fouls that! mourn infecretfaryou. Hadwe not as good let fhoul- ders to a great Mcuntain to remove that, as make men begin to (earthwhether their peace be a good peaceor no, their quietneffe a good quietneffe? Oh do yenot fry to us as thedevils to Chrih,Wbyare yecome to torment us ? As we would not unfettle or put doubts into any that truly fear God, fo on the other fide, to chore that vainly rely upon God, when yet he is not theirs; we could defire chefe words might be as arrowsfhot into their hearts, wounding of them; fo as to take noeta till they havea truepeace indeed. -V460. tse. I iz,aa -°v»Gr- ys qJ fftgiv: -NGr-gF ¡FGr9.J SERMON XXXI. That outward Succe, Trofierity, and Creatnefe in the world is no true Evidence of grace. 9. 40. Speak not in thy heart, after that the Lord thy God bath call them cutfrom beforethine eyes, faying, for my righteoufnefo'theLordbath brought me in topogefs'tbis land, &c. He people of Ifrael after a fore and dangerous voyageare now entring into their haven, after a wilderneffe full of troubles and dangers they are now pófliflîng a land of Roil, a land that flowed with honey: bút fall they fhould finfet of this bony, and left this rest and quietneffe (hould be like that of pools, which breedeth nothing but noifome creatures, IÌWofès is exceeding vigi. tant ro inform them as of the great mercies Godhad done for them, fo of thegreat duties he required of them: and this is the (cope of Mofes both in the precedent, and this prefent Chapter, with force others that follow. The mercies God vouch- fafed to them areaggravated by an enumerationof the feverall wonders God had wrought for them, as alfo by alively defcriptionof that Land and Countrey they werenow made Lords of, Chap.8.7,8,9. called therefore the good land frequent. ly,and is made a type of heaven, for the joyful' pleafureof it, as if the If,seditea now poffefled of Canaan werebrought intoParadife again; and for the full com- mendation of it the Scriptures expreflion is remarkable, Dear.11.12. A Land Which the Lord thy god caretbfor, The eyes of the Lord thy God are Abodes upon it, from the beginning oftheyear to the end ofit : a phrafe much like that which the Scripture utetheven of his own children, as if he had the fama care of that Land asof his ownpeople. As he thus lively defcribestheir mercies, fo he cloth as powerfully quicken them up untotheir duty, which is to take heed of all thofe fins,that fullneffe, eafe, and fecurity, would quicklybreed ; whereofhe inflanceth in one more efpecially,vie. an apprehenfion thatGod had done this to them, for their righteoufneffe, becaufe they were more holy then others, as they thought; Therefore they concluded themfelves morehappy. Became their land abounded withall excellent fruit, theyjudged their lives CO overflow withall elates.. They took