Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

Si ge T. bLI.._ PAGf Signs) of Grace. 183 argument, audit hath no ftrengthy but withcarnalt hearts that accouno nothing great andgood, but what is earthly. Paulwas difcovered a faithfulf Apoftle by hisiron chains on his legs, not his golden onesabout' hismeck. By this do&rine we may fee how imbred'a thingin is ina min ner behigh=minded; and fecure inhisfpi- rir, as if God loved him more then others, becaufe hehath beftowed more of tbefe earthly bleflïngs uponhim then, others, Theythink that as God giveth them a higherplace here on earth, fò he will alto inheaven : Efpecially this fin iscorn. micced by youof the City, maaay whereof havebeen blelfed by a bountiful! en- create from little or nothing you fay with fstub, with a flatcame I over Jar- danap toLondon, andnow Iam become twa.bands:: You are above him in the Pa- rable, his five pound gained renne, yours one peny a thoufand, and doyou not rake this-great providence of God to you as an argument ofyour righteoufneffe ? Da notyoufpeak in your heart, as the Textfaith, though not with your mouth, chat this makes you have hopes, that God who bath done fo much for you here, will doe much more for you hereafter ? Here is little true comfort in all theft thoughts, as is CO be (hewed. Fifthly, Although wecannot concludegrace by outward mercies, yet thus far S. we mull by Scripture fay, that Godout of a general] love in a providential! way Both give many a man outward profpericy and wealth, for his diligence, indufbry, m upright and honeff dealing in the world. Thus Salaon'faith, The handof the dili- gent maketb rich, and truth and juffce in our way is blelled byGod toencreafe. Thus Aaofinattributed all the temporali greatneffe that the Rate of Rome came to, unto the ju(ficeof theircommon-wealth, bac this comes only from a general! Love of God, not from that peculiar love which belongs to hispeople it Both not comefrom the fame fountain that mercy andpardon comes; Therefore it'sa fruit of providence, not of ele&ion : it arguethupright dealing, but not an heart made pure and upright to God: what then though thou faift, God hath bieff my diligence, myhoneff dealing ? yet thoucanfl not fay, This is thefruitof my conver- fionand regeneration, being turnedunto God. Lafbly, Some go into anotherextremity, and concludeof their good eftate and holy condition, becaufe they are in a poor, needy, miferable ,efaate, and deffitute of all earthly comforts; They rende in the Scripture, chat the poor receive the Gofpel, Chriff invited the lame and blinde, That perfecutions and of hi- &ionsare theway toheaven ; They hear Chriff faid, Bklfed are thofe that mourn and weep, and Wo beto thole that laugh; They hear God hath not chofeta many rich, manynoble, and therefore becau(ethey are in great extremities here, they donot think God willmake them have anhell hereand anhell hereafter. But eve- ry poor man is nota Lazarxa, nay, theseare many times none more wicked, cur- fed,peophane, and enemies to all goodntffe, then thole that are in a low and mi- ferablecondition ; .Awofnll thing it is indeed to havenothing but mifery here, and nothing but torments hereafter. If thy poverty indeed were fanftified, thou waft more holy; humble, heavenly,then that c tate would not be contemnedby God : he doth not difdain the praier, of the poor, humble and lowly ones ; but then be fare thou artInch a poor man as the Scripture (peaks of, otherwile as thou many rimes here on earth wanteft a Crum of bread, fo thou wilt in hell a drop of Water. In the next place, let us confider why outward profpericy and bletfings do not Why outward argue a mans good eflate. profpericydoth And f1th, Ir may be demos(rated none the originalorfirmmin whence theyflow; apna argue ood It is not only' from Gods love,but his anger and hatred alto : Sometimes Godgt- iiate. veth men theoutward comfortsof this life inhis hot difpleafure ; Thus Dives, it R is was Gods anger to him made him rich : Solomon fpeaketh of this vanity, that ma- ny timesa wicked man bath wealthgiven him, not for his own good, for he bath no power to enjoy it, but for the goodof others : Solomon often takethnotice of this, that thewicked layethup for the righteous ; not that intentionallyhe doth fo,,