Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

S 1-86 FalfeSigns ofGrace. e e waswith thefe ina mighty providentialway, but not gracioufly. It is anopinion that God voucbfafeth to forne menan éu7uy_fc. a good fucceffe,fo that they profper inall their enterprizes. Again, others though as prudent, as pious,yet never have good fucceffelulius Cafar was perfwaded ofchis,when he fa idCa/erem vebo fortnnamejLtd and concerning Alexander it is obferved, that his very pi/tures were fuccesfull ; butlfal.7y.6. cloth well conclude thismatter. Well, grant there are fach menwhomGod will preferre, snake rich, great, honoured, whe- ther they will Or no; yet all this argueth God is only with them powerfully, not gracioufly. Now it is no folid comfort to perceive Gods power and afliftance -with us, unleffe we alto finde his gracious prefence. Ufe r. Of Reproof to thofewho defire there outward good things more then inward and fpiritual, that fay ofall earthly greatneffe, as Rachel about children, Give me children elfe Idie ; or as Chry; aflom reproved ionic that would fay, Giveme thatwhicb- f reet,- °'° / °°, altheagb it chehf me, give me wealth, greatneffe, power, although it damnme : alas the fading, van.fhing natureof them fhould make thee temperate ; thefe flowers will prelencly die. You will cryout with 7e. aohen, I havetatted littlehoney, and behold I mu/t die. I have enjoyed a few years profit, a few years pleafure, andnow tmuffbe damned. V/e a. Of Inftrudtion to thole who meet with much profperity and outward encouragements in this world :Take treed ofthinking that God loth this to thee; for thy righteoufneffe, for thy piety. Do not think this is, becaufe God lover thee more then others : Nay fear left there mercies prove not like oil in hell flames to make it (torch the hotter. Odo not let thy heart run out thus , God bath bleft me inmy trading, in mybuying and felling, -in my enterprizes and un- dertakings ; but withall confider how he bath bleft theewith an heavenly heart, with a gracious life ; line thou haft had more wealth haft thou alío had more grace ? The fhip inthe fea goeth fwiftly,,till it touch upon the lands and gravel under it, andthen it is flopt. Oh take heed that ye benot like Corab, Dathon and Ahiram, (wallowed upof the earth in a fpiritual way, as they were in a tem- poral. Ofe 3. OfConfolation to the godly, who it may be want many of thofe out- ward mercies the wicked have. 'Let them know they are no arguments of true godlineffe, or ofGods dear love in Chrift. If indeed thou Ìtadit no portion in Chrift, no intereft inhis grace If thou hadft no gracious fruits of his Spirit uponthee;then thoumightft jultly cry oat,ah me,awretched andbarren wilder- neffe near tocuffing andburning : but now it is otherwife, thouhaft thole things that do indeed accompany falvation.lfefides,let not thyheart be troubled at the Want ofthefe things, for they are notthe belt things, her arethey the molt ne- ceffary things, andGod bathvouchfafed them to thee: Oh it is a lign thy heart is too carnal and earthly, thatcrieth for earth, when.God bath given thee pre- cious pearls t Thoughall be gone, yet ifgrace be left in thy heart, and God, be not gone from thy foul, thoumails abundantly rejoyce: MMA4MMAA°4îMpAR4rSW^tr'FAVIIrrn SEÁM6N: