s a T. II I. Fdlir Stets of&ee ._ 189 gins, heeaufethey kept themlelves from the Idolatry anal pstlutions©f the world.; yet tooliLk,becaute they had no oy I. Thus ycuhave the Ifraelices fevrral times throwingaway their Idols. by Which they had proxokesl.Gódegainil rhetn and yet returning again rothem : We may fay, the ifrarlitesdidGlen- ei-ea t. thafeJ- dolmens pollutions, and they did itferionfly,they were pot grotto d tremblers; bin becaufe their heartswere not changed, and they Ileadfafl in this reform trim), they were twine wathcd returning to themire. 7,udu throwth away ht unjuik gain, withgreat terrour and rot rowofheart, but he is a Goat , not a Sheep in Cheifta flock. Ieonfefle this fign feemeth tocarrymuch probability with it ; and coin- monly fuchmen., whohave fuperfeded their Iufts,finda great deal ofcomfort : they tejoyce to fee thofe fettersand chains of their legs, which once tuft and theDied, had put onthem,caken off.They were fins pri£oners, and iserrar up anddown in elicit Grackles, but now they areout ofthis dungeon. ConGderati- To open theDodirine, confider thereparticulars, ors concernir' Firft it carat be deeded bets that the Scripture áloth f cyssenely comprehend the thepoint. duty of repentance, and converfontoGod,under fbefewords, offorfekingcur finus, a, ragingaway our tranfyeef crriru,eurning aw4J frem our evil waits, &c. lnlonuch that wherefoever there is Itcha forlaking, luck a turning, there teeniest,preteetly to by the wholenatureof converlion toGod.. Hence yeses calls it , `Pure religion and undefiled, do heel ourfelva osted f om theword. But all thole expreÁfions, dp buccoistain part of the duty; for everyforlaking , every turningfreíafin, !§apt prefently , agracious turning to God , as is to be (Hewed i Theeefor,g think it not enough , That. thou waft indeed once filch a prophiner, fucha gain perCon, but now thouhail left all fuch epodes : Do nor thou fay , Behold ä trite ffrarlitein whomshereeanogullet Beholda truechild of God ortwhom are the foreworksofgrace: For though thus outwardly walked, yet inwardly the filth may abound ; though ithe outride be fait , yet the Coar may be rnnteg within. The reafoa why the Scripture.dn(cribeth eotrverfion by external leaving ofVin, is, bettolehereby our hatredand loathingof is is mademore mantfell , and popne can fay, xleey clrnx/e skew hearts, irha da "UV a1Je çk s 4 ¡boar livee; Iy dgjr Ip.weth peee(fardy, That ifshe heart be walked, the outward eouvrw11.04 wit atló liewafhcd. ;but not an the contrary, that ih:§becon vtrfaeionbeunpohied, thebean ía. Secondly, ef,'Toutwardrrfarmationofl ;fe,andfarfakiingoffn, may bßfemfs!gr z' rat principles. Oütayrçdre- formation map t. foam the grave: offsnddicasanu, Which dock wholly et11fr proceed from nsate,táfalnanpastñing new andfpiritual uftcítious.fnd moj,bn:Kions ire hit rt wheref rereral princi- byhe¡$tarried out 'againulfin fromtin, pure loreofGod, and delight in.grace;,arm4 pies. furfakingfrn from tiaisground, is onely çomfor'azrle. a a. Agatiterlenvippef>Ern,is froinsheteftraining nower ,asdprevid tçvofÇmRt1 I I. whetahyjaits.asdlecisilcsareputinto mans jaws, chat they rude spe ss r fie madly into tinsel-hr. impetuous lulls would carry rhem and Ouch a fotfaking ehougharbe,outwardiyfirrrhe glory of ,God , honainc isitue Inmuch ;jslatplaetn,- ed,ru hcrs.rae:not tomuch fcandalized, yet it affords notroy fi, l p joy-whim , that opotrthsfecerms only parrs wick t is(ins g These isarepreltingoffin ity the drdhseesof liecure, arid tire pywerci Mo- 111. raalprecepessafiilled into amen. Drums there is a famous dory oran Hear hen,,.who wasa debauched and prnphaoeiman, éhär went'113 bear Socrates teed his leftures of Morality, with purpofe to derideand fcuffhim.,bue hewas fo potently wrought upon bySourates his:precepts , thafïre went away_changed, and never was fucks a dgbartrhed man a iiy more ; andnognelkion it was from there natural die aces wishelse coituponhelp, arid a(fiftanceofGód,thaarmany heathens lived !itchpore and inshlumeablelives. Sorbets, ifupon theft three feveralAudis , the outward emendationof asuat life may grow, it.behoveth ovary tutln, -who hopes leg.if 13 b; now