Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

zoo Falfe Signs ofGrace. S s e r. III. now turneda penitent and a convert,to enquire fromwhichof all thefehis change is madeuponhim. Thirdly , Mott lullsand fnsare for themo# part fo dear and to them , that irmai6e(megreat workeitber of grace SanElifying, or grace reflraining , that will makes manleavethem. We fee theIfraelites would give all the wealth they had,yea, the very fruit oftheir womb toOblations , rather then leave their accu. ftomedfins: Thismakes totSaviour compare them to aright eye,andarighthand, as thofe things which are molt intimate,and dear unto us : And what is the ground ofall thatmalice, and hatred again(t the word of God, and lout-fearching. Truth, but onely mens inordinate loveand affehion to their fins 2 Inlomuch that When you fee any wicked man leavehisaccuftomed fins, youmay with wonder cry out, What ailcththis ?ordanto turn backtnard,and ¡ho Iron to fodm? How corned, ibis Blackamore to a white skin ? 'Though therefore it be no titre Ggn , yet. it is a great duty : we may go out to fee it as a great wonder in a parifh , Be- hold I once a Swearer , once a Blafphemer , .,but now he loth fo no more I Fourthly, ThoughIke outwardalteration arfue nograce in the heart , yet it ie to Yet outward beacknowledged asa merciful workofGad, When the word of God , though it reformation is cloth not work CO convetfionfrom frn,yet it dot to repreßïon offin : fo that men, a mercy.. though they ceafe not tobe Wicked,from holy principles, yet they do.frorn aftrong aw and fear which Gods word bringeth upontheir confciences r fo in that Herod fearedYobs, and was thereby reftrained tommany fins,thoughnot from all, is was a. very laudable. ThusKing 3ofha, cha t kept from feveral wicked wales , as long as 3ehoiadah the Prieft was alive, it Was a mercy. I. For hereby feveral good iffues flow, as God is hereby leffe dilhonoured ò a Chrillian prophane in his life, blafphetnesthe name of God ; thy Oaths, Lulls are u kindofblafphemyagainft God : where therefore there -is aforbearance ofElide, God is leffè ddhonoured, let the grounds be what they will be. IL 2. Again, herebyGods wrath is not provoked foquickly againft a people, to deftroy them with temporal judgements r Be not overmuch wicked ( faith Eccle. fiafles) Why Jhaoldfl shoudie before thy time? and thus for Oaths, Injullice, and Oppreffion, the land mourneth ç Hence grolfe fins,are called cryinglint, becaufe they make a node in Gods ear, importuning forvengeance : now ie is a mercy to a piace.when no fuck cryingfins are committed,when God is (IOC importuned to con. fume a place. II[. 3, It úgood, becaufe hereby godlineffe bath a repute, and an efteem, and wick- edneffe bathe difcouragement and brand upon it.TheSceiptures (peaks ofan echores fore. bead,anda face that couldnot 6e a/homed: Now it is well when Gods Mini. thybath brought fin into Inch an Odium, and matter of fhame,that noneofany in- genuity, any care, darethcomme any vile fin: and Oh that in all our congregati- ons, ifthere were not fach (acidifying grace, yet loch ingenuous, difpoiitions wrought inmen by the light ofthe Word, that men would fay, lam taught better, I knout better,!(cornand am a/bamedtoferne any lief l,o commit any known f a: thofe that are drunk (faith the Apoft le) are drunkinthenight, and fo thofe that (:cal (leal in the night. Thus let dfhklon and Gath, let Sodom and Gomorrah, who are in the night anddark, havewickedneefle committed amongft them ; but let not 7e. ru/alem,or Sian, who isin the light; thus (tumble in theday and fall. How much is it tobedeplored, that where the is received,and the wordof God read, and preached, every prophane perlon fhould not be as mach afhamed to thew his head,as a theifwhenhe is taken? I111. q. Here is this good comes by"- fotfakingoffin, thoughnot upon right principles, thatothers arenot encouraged to imitate and do the lik'e.Sins in the Textare cal- led pollutions contagions, theyhave a peftilentìal infeétion with them; and be- caufe fo,how good is it when' this arrowdoth- not walkabroad that would deftray atmid-day I Certainly-ifwe praileGod hesrtilyforthe abàting of the plague, or fword,