Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

S E C T. III. Fai¡ Sigas of Grace. r:9 t (word, which have fuck open mouths co devour, may we nor much rather bleffì': God for freedom from groffefins in theplace where thou liveft ? If thou )(weft- thy felf, thy family , thy relations,thoucanit not but rejoyce Co live, where they Shall learn from others to do thagwhich is accordng toGodand his Law. q. It is a mercy, becaufr where fuchgreat impietiesare rearained , there is lets grief, and trouble to the Godly. Efai cryeth out, wo be tome, becaufè I live among menof ;namedbps and David,Wo be to ne. bccattjeI live in the wiltrneffeof Methecht And the famegoód man bewailedhis exile among thole that knew not God. Lot was tormented as in hell, with teeing,and hearing the ungodly pradti- Ces ofthe Sodomites: So that whereGod Both not work to regeneration,if yet he cloth to rearaining -and binding up of mens corruptions; that their wicked. neffe loth not ,make the place an hell to live in , the godly do much ptaife hou for it. La[ì1y, Though leavingof findo not alway argueanintere(tinChrift, and an L'I. evidence tor heaven , yet Such m:.n Ihall have Ids torments, in hell ; their judgement willbe eafier. Thun Muffin laid, Comi/1oo will be tels pu:)id;cd in hell then Cataline ; and fa a wicked man forfaking his near lu.ts and fins, Thoughnot upon Sanhified principles,. (hall have more Cemparal bleß'a rgs here and Jeff: punitttment hereafter, then thole that wilfully perf-vere in them. Let us inthe nextplace confider, Why a miser forfakingof fin, or a reformat on in externals , is not enough : and this will be manif'_t from fcveral demo, - ftrations. Fir[t , Becarefe (se was intimated) finmay he left fromforcedprinciples without, . r. netfaollifredgraceWithin. Forced principles are terrors of confcienct, grievous Whyanon,_ judgements ofGod, whereby a mania taken off from his fins, as a inafcive is pul ward forfaking kdoff rromworrying a Sheep, and fucking its fweet blood, by putting red hot °.f In isno;,nc Iron in his mouth. Nothingbut aflaming fiery fword can keep himcfffrom fin, i`gn of Glace. which heaccounted paradife: But that which iscomfortable reforming ofa mans life, is when a Supernatural principle is infùfed within,wherebywe are made new creatures;and fo from thelove of God,andhis holinefs, aril th ailour hatred and loathing offin. Thus the Apoftle abhors that which is evil, cleaves to that wich is good, Rom. I. a. Whenour hating,offin likehell, arileth from a fweet intimate cleaving to good as glue, ( for to the word implies) this is ,matter ofrejoycing. We fèt tunature, operations blow thenature and tuerce of a thing; therefore departing from evil is net kindly, till it come from a pure and tacdkiféd na- tu e. Secondly, weerleavinkof fin, el notperfetllyatouch/lone of grace, becaoefe it may bedone unwillingly, withgreatgrief that Wecannot keep our lulls fill]: And this is aconfeqúent from the former parriculat 'for when we leave finfrom forced principles, there is a great dual of reludiancy t Thus Pharaoh" and the Ifiaelites under Gods judgements , theygofrom fin asPháhiel wastaken feomhis wife, They run Crying after them tohave them again. Oh, this is the wretched temper oftoomany; they have anheart todo thus, tolive tbuo,artd they are grieved their lulls cannotbeaccomplifhed, but ether things keep them they dare not ; as Paul fa'td, Theevil he Mouldnot do,yet hedid it,butfiill he delightedin theLaw ofGod in the innerman. So theft, thegood they would not do, yet they are compeiled'to do and therefore they delight in the lawof fin, andwith their mindesthey Serve it: do not manycall away their fins, as the Ivlartiners did 7onah out of the *kip in the lea ? they tiled firft all the means they could tokeep him in, andwhen that couldnot be, then Withgreat trouble offlairit they threw him away. Thus ma- nyufe all means fecretly, publickly to keep their fins, plead for the lawfùlnefsof them, excufe the committingofthem, till a tempeft of Gods wrath is fe violent ápçn them, thatthey cannot hold themany longer Oh, thereforeif thou wer'c once fo and fò, but nawwa[hed,how no fisch uttersand fores are upon thee,con=, Oder