Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

192 Fa1fe Signr ofGrace. fider with what willingnefle, delight, and joy in God thisis done,, xfotherwife, fay not, grace to in thee, 3. Thirdly , Therefore may not leaving ofailu+lfin, be a food teflimony,decatsfe this !snot accompanied withmorttfjíng fn in the root and in the body ofit; For that on- ly isthe true forfaking offin,which goeth to the verybottom ofall, whichlayeth the Ax to the root of the tree, which endeavors tokill the dam with the young ones, which,woukd deßroy fin as they did 7ericho, never to be built again. Thus David repentingofthofe grofs a&ral fins, goeth to the Fountain,his pollutedna- ture and unclean, bitterly bewailing that : hencealto theApoßle talleth for cru. cifyingoftlefej7,as well as the lulls offin. The ScriptureSpeaks of the 64ay of fn, as Well ad membersthereof, andexhorts to the mortifying fone,as Well asanother; And Paul, Rom, . In that great combat and conß c ,hefights not with fmall fins or great, but theking, Original pollution, Sampfondid but cuthis hair, and when that grew,all his ßrength grew upagain ; ifit had beenpulled op by the root,thcn hehad recovered . is power no more , fo it is acre. Ifaßual finsbe onely dream- cifed, ; aredoff, and not a pulling them upby the roots, they all inereafc to their former prevalencyagain. Know then, it is not enough todry up the reams,no- Iefs the fountain alío be fee how the root and feedplot of all lull, andfin in thy heart isconfumed, and then there ishopes thou biddeft thy fins be gone upon right terms; otherwise this falling out oflovers,Wiabe the renewingoflove ; or as water cali upon theIron , makes itburn the-more vehemently, fo will this for- bearancea while from fin afterward inflame thee (even times the hotter : and certainlyhere ought our furrow andhatred tobe moll vigorous,becaufe here fin is in its firengeh and power. 4. Fourthly , Therefore may we not take comfort from sneer externalreformation,he- cattle it may be nothing bat thechange of groffelies, intoa channel ofSpiritual, and more refinedfins. Now this is cnely to change filchTyrant-fins, butnot the Ty- ranny offin. The Pharifees they carefullyavoided all grofs Publican fins : they thank God, theyarenodrtenkards,pnbl%cans, adulterers; but what then? they are proud, covetous, fuperflitious ; they avoid grofs fin corporally, but they greatly de- file themfelves with other fins fpiritually. A man difeafed with dißdlation of humours, if the Phyfitian donot remove the humour, bur divert it to fome other part, that ismore vital anddangerous, he doth not cure, but kill his patient ; and thusit is here, that flu, of blood, that noifom foreoffin, whichdid run out in a bodily way, is turned now intoamental wayofpride,felfconfidence,felf>tighte- oufnefs ; and thus as many times the drying upoffores and iffues,tirikes prefent- ly to the heart, and kils immediately, fo doth the forfakingofgrofs finsfill thy heart withfelf -love fclfd-Blight,At hereby thy eflateis more dangerous then ever. S. Fifthly, Takenotcomforeprefemlyfromthy leavingeffie,foritmayheonlapar_ tial and limitedleaving, seas an a6folute and universal, There is manya man bath made a wonderful change inhis life , andbath cati away all thofevifiblc fins, that othersobferye in him ; but yet fometeeter, pleafanr,profitable lull he keeps, by whichmeans he is It under the dominionof fin, and inSatans instes. Thus He- rod, hedid many things, but one thing he would not do : Now Iknew,thau lovefl me(faith God) when thou hafpartedwithohy one)fin Ifaak, and then Godknow- cth thou truly loyal him, when thou leaveß thy own perfonal.iniquities; when thoucanil fly, Lord, ¡have 'teilleng/ypartedwiththat Which I was maß add//f/d to, Which I havebeen long accuflowedto which 1 wouldhave desiredofallto have ¡pareas Thoumaycfl withSaul, kill many a petty fin, but wilt thoukill Agag? Wt t thou part with the fat cattle, as well asthe lean ? he impartial in thispoint. 6. Sixthly , Escaping ofworldly pollutions, is net alreaies an argument of a renewed nature,because fnmaydrive met fin, even as Divinesfay about popish exorcifmes, when the prieß tailsout divels from menpolliiffed,it is by colluion : the divel re- cedes not, becaufe thole exorcifinesareofdivineefficacy, but becaufe hereby he would confirmpeople =rein believinga lye. Thus a man that bath propounded to