Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

S E'C T. III. FalfcSignrofGrace. a$$ to himfelfany great worldly end,of profit, pleaforc,or advancement, he mud. for a whilebe a faint, chat he may hea dtvel. Tiaus divers Hereticks have been men ofun, tamable, and excellent lives,that their teeming San tito may [tamp..the greater reputati3cì upon their Heretics. )c is lYlachiave't coun,el to his gréat ones.; That byafmeans they fhouldgetthe new ttoe`rapateof virttto , t;7oisnh the thing it (elfbe ahue:hen; fee then whether thy reformation of lté , be not fubor- dinatc to carnal deigns; if lb, thou art but a ferpent with a glittering col au-, but a body full etpoyfon,, , Lallly , This amendment of life is not fatisfatfory,brcauf themeans by which it is wrought,is not durable, rooted, and firm : It is faid in the Tex' , by the know, ledgeof Chrif t howfoever fomé would lay muchUpon the word ínríyvToe , yet that is many times no more then a hare yvo;ms, anhiftorical knowledgeof D,vine things,with famelight ixnpietiion upon the heart. (}ur Saviour difkret:èeth the fooliíh and the wife builder, by thedepth, of the foundation they lay, and its the knowingóf the Truths as theyare in Jefus; thatmakes a manput otf the old roan withall its tufts :. Therefore examine, by what means art thou perfwaded thus to reform ? howcometh it aboutthatthou darennot doas thou-haft done ? If fie he onely general, hittorical faith ofmatters contained in theScripture, this is too weak andlanguilhing; it is one thingtoleaveinfrom meet illumination in the 11044, andanother from a powerful inflammation,and renovation oftheJoeart;tllos mull with thy heart; andfeul,and`trcngih liveGod,and leaveGo, as tveit as With themind, Oft ofloftrnflinn,Howmmnifeltly and evidently they have no hopesof heaven, 0/ ?. orgrace; whelive in the tongtans,common prallEice of grofs fins j yet ePen Fitch men wouldjudge ithard tobe told, 7hát they areoftbeir Faíher the Diva, that they are in a (late ofdark:íefs, andbitternefs; yet whtltis more clear? You need not haveone from heaven come and tell you, your Rate isdamnable; neither one from hell, withhell flames uponhim, crying out, for filch linsas you dayly com- mit, Behold, J ye roa'+ingandyelling to All eternity : If thereforeany Thatis called a Chriftian,abeliever,bethus a prophane,an ungodly perfon;let him fee the wrath ofGodwritten againft him fo evidently, that thoughhe runneth be may read it. What is a Swine, though watiaed, under the fad doom ofGods wrath ? What then is the Swine wallowing in its mire;and tumbling in itsdirt?And luth anobi art thou, who committee grofs fins withgreedinefs. Oft ofExhortationNot on tly to leave your fins, but upon filch right groundh as will beofeverlaeing comfort : Caft array year iniquities, faith the Prophet That implieth willingnefs,readinefs,vehement detellation, never to receivethem any more ; but thy fins are pulled from thee; thy heart isthe fame; thy love is the fame, unlefs God hedgeth thy waywith thorns, that thou canif not follow thy lugs. Haft thou therefore left off allthole evil wales thou once livedtt in upon Scriptureends, with filch a loveofGodlinefs, that though fincome like f oJephht Millrefs,in allher lovelinefs, pleafure, and importunate temptation, faying,Come, and lye withme : yet thouleaven garment andall, faying, Howcan 1 do elek and fenagainil god? Take heed thou art not like that manout ofwhom divels were can, but he cometh withfeven worfe afterwards and irides it garnillied and fwept, prepared for him ; a Rieepwafhed, loves not togo into the mire again, though a SowBoth; ÇB SEIMON