Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

S L/ c r. I II. Fale Signs of Gfase 195 in them, but Matthéwfpeaks it abfolwrely, becaufe ofthedifficulty not to truft hi them, whenwe havethem. Upon this fpeech ofour Saviours, the feea nota- ble operation on theDifciples, expreffed firflin their outward difpoftiòn, and then intheir fpeech. In their difpofition 6,Tkin.rre, they were thicken with amazement, it was with them, as ifthey hadhad Tome aflonifhing blow given them;.& then you have their admiration,Who thencan befaved?This implieth that they thought before they heard this a very poílible, ifnot an eafie thing tobe fa- ved,but now theydefpair of it:But why do theyfay,who then canbe faved in the general, and not rather what rich man ? for ofthem our Saviourfpake,fuch poor men as theDifciples might belayed forall this.It isanfwered thus,though all men are not rich, yet all men havea delire and appetite after riches, and fo they are thereby flopped in theircourfe to heaven. Or thus, Though all men are not rich, yet as rich men have their wealth which they immoderately relie on : So there isnomanbut he bath fame creature or other,hedoth inordinatly affe t and that makes hima Camel with too big a bunch togo in the ¡trait way toHeaven. That bowfoeæer men ;nay fuggefi to thewfelves many probable andeafie grounds for Obi, theirfalvatian, yet uponScripture-canfiderationit Will appear agreat difficulty, yes ficti:,ioand'in infome fenfe an impofbility. . fome Cenfc im- ThustheDisciples while theyhappily attended only to Chrift his gracious in- pomble. Vita'iOflSandmanifold promifesof his love, they thought it a very eafie matter to get to heaven; They found nothing but honey corne out of his mouth. Now when they hear our Saviour-fpeakof the exalt qualification of him that atoll be faved, they are affe ked with fear as the Ifraelites were, *ho thoughtit im- pofiìble to poffeffe Canaan, becaufe of the tall 4nok.ms thatsooft flrft he con- quered. Three things For the clearingof theDodtrine, let there three things be premifed ; preluded for Firf, That whenwe fay it is loch a difficult and impofiible thing to be faved, clearing the we donot relate to that natural impoílibility which is in eve y man ; for fo not Iìofirine. only rich men, but even infants new-born, it'sas-impofìible for them to be fa- i; ved, as a Camel togo thorow theeye ofa needle; for teeing all are by nature dead in Chine ; wecan no more put fp ritual life in our (elves; then Adam. could at fitilbavemade himfelfof a lump of earth, a living foul. We do not then fetch this impóflibility of Salvation fomuch from the weakneffe of nature, as from the exadneffeof the wayofgrace, for our Saviour in the Text laieth not this impoffìbility upon the impotency and inabilityofa man inrefped oforiginal defilement, though this fiream will by long windings at tail empty it felt into that fountain, but upon the curious bounds thatgrace prefcribesour affections even to lawful things; fo that althoughwe may love and delire, and ufe there creature-comforts; yet ifwe go butone Itepbeyond chofe limits, we have pre, featly tranfgreffed ; and to whenour Saviourfaith upon this to comfort theDif ciples with fomehopes, With GodaÆ things arepoffible. Though it be univerfaliy true, yet it is more peculiarly tobe limited to the matter inhand, God canlevel this Camels bunch, he cancommand.thewaters of our affèdions to fland 01; andnot to overflow. Secondly; This therefore may beextended not only toanatural minin his un- regenerate eflate, but even to a regenerated perfon, fo that we may cry our; Whatgodly mancan be laved ? Theworkofgrace is foexa &, temptations are fo great; corruptions are fo Prong, that we may fay,' Who of the godly can be faced? for though Gods grace will givethem toperfevere, as Chrifts pretence in thefhipdidor might affure them they could Mk perifh; yet when they favi theirdanger, andwere in temper's and Ilorms, they cried out; MaherCavesu, Weperifh ; foeven a godly man, thoughwhile he look to.the Covenant of grace he may anchor his foul fecurely ; yet at the fame timebeholdinghis temptations and infirmities, he may frequently cryout, O Lord, fupport me; I am falling C c t 1Ú