Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

S e s r. I I I. Falfe Signs of Grace. 199 abide in--theheart ofthe nioll holy men.Itifomuch thatit is aevonderall the fweet fruit of thy foul is not quite eaten up with there worms that breed in them, allgodly men confirmed by thofe motions and fparks offìn,thatarenotyet extinil. lames doth excellently defcribe the fubtil working oforiginal corruption, 7am.d.14: itdoth ¡>,, entice aman away, with a fweet or profitable bait hiding the hook, andit cloth i E He draw the heart nude from confidering all thofe argu mentsand motives that would make him forbear ['none; now that this [pawn of finnewhich would quickly prove Serpents and Cockatrices, is not deftroyed, ap.. peareth by Paul Rom.7. How llrorig and unruly Both he finde thofe remainders offin in him, that were it not forGods grace ready at hand to heal him , Pauls foul would quickly become as noifome through,fpiricìaal fores, as yobs body throúghbodily ulcers. Its a wonder thenthatevery man is not a Cain, .a ?film', confidering what fuel there is rtneverÿ mansheart. 4. Theimpofbility offalvatidsiysrithosstgrace, appeareth in the temptatiansthat are in lawfallthings ; Infomuchithatwhen outward groffe fins could not datnn,the immoderate love of lawful things loath been like a milftone about the neck to drown inperdition ; whentbe. Philiflimrcould not undo Samfon, a Dalihilrin"his , bofom can. Thywife, thychildren, thy houles, thy trade, tliefe kill theeby fe-, cretpoifon, whereas groffe fins deftroy byopen fword. One of the Ancients. in a vifion fawthe world full of (hares,, and fo it is ; a £hop is a [mare, wife, children, are fnares. Our Saviouron purpofe fheweth this in that Parable,where thole in- vited to thefeafl, fay not, lam a drunkard, a [wearer, and cannot or will not come, bat Ihave bonght, andI havemarried, and therefore cannot come, Lukzo4. zó. Seeing then every thing we touchis like pitch, every thing wemeddle.in is ready to entangle us, whocanbe godly, and fo Who can belayed ?,This wroughtto an. extremity upon fome, that thought unleffe they gave over all worldly imploi- ments, and fpent their dales in gelsandcaves with continual devotion theycould not befaved: but this was too much. ' . ThisWillfurtherbeclear ifyau confider all the enmity, fubtilty andpower of the devilagainII amen,effrecialy ifgodly, Ephef.6. it is with principalitiesanddigni- ties inhigh places, and Satan bathdefired toWinnowyore. He choofeth out thegod- ly ina more fpecial way toundo them, Laok2za.3 r. There is two things in lifting or winnowing, the one is concuflìon and tumblingof thecornand chaff, orrefufe together ; the other is the feparation.ofthe good from the'kad ;.now the devil'he defired the lidionly, to minglegraceand corruption, tits:. bring them:all into a confufion, and fo overcome them. Now did not Quiff powerfully intercede,our faith would quickly fail in luth extremities. That fameParable of a man going to 7ericho and meetingwith thieves, was miferably wounded, being left halfdead, if it may beapplied ro a mans fpiritual efface, is notmeant ofhim before converfi- on,or in bis natural elate, for he is wholly dead, but after his converfion many times foiled by Satan, and therefore needs oil andbalm continually. 6. Theimpolibility of it appeareth in themanifold duties andordinances whichGod bath appointed us to hefrequent in ; All which froppofe the fire would quickly go out ; he loath appointed frequent preaching,adminiftrationofSacraments, daily prayer, andwhy is all this ? that thefe warm cloaths, and continual rubbing of theemay keep life in thee. Godknew how fading our graces were; hence he bath commanded this continual dropping and watering, elle thy foul of a Para- dife would quickly become abarren wilderneffe ; and to thisbeadmay webring doofe continualaffli/bons and chaftilements which God doth molt exercife lots children with ; and why are thefe,but as fo muchPope to refine us, fo much fire to get out droffe? They are like the beatingof the garmentto get out the duff and moths; now then if there fhould root beInch a continual praying, preaching, pu- rifying, Who couldbefaved? What godly man would not become like a ftanding pool fullof mud and filth ? fothat falvation is a prize hardly obtained. 7. The impofbility appeareth, in that there is requifite aprefence ofallgraces, and a pro-