Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

200 FalCe Signs o f Grace. SE c T_I I aproportionable cooperation ofthem. Now without God how impoßïble is_this Adde toyourfaith temperance, &c, 2 Pet.1.6. If any one ofthere be lacking. it is a monfter, not the image ofGod. Hence fo many havecorne near godlineffe,been very like it, but have proved apes only, not really good ; as theremull be a pre- fence, fo a cooperation alfo. The Scripture-commandsthe puttingforth of fuch graces that to meer nature are inconfllent, they never all one but they prejudice the other.Thus we are tocome with bold affurance to the throneofgrace,and yet we mullbe inholy fear and trembling; fowe mull haverepentance and faíth,god- ly forrow and godly joy together, wemull have prudence and zeal accompany- ing one another ; now who is godly ifthefe things be fo.? 8. 8. This Will appear inthe mifcarriages of fo many, Who have put fair for heaven, and yetfellJhort. Oh if grace and falvation had beenan ealie haven, men could ea- lily have got into it I why have fo many fuffered.íh.ipwrack in the havens mouth? What wasJudas, what was ?dui, what the foolifhVirgins,what the fecondand third kinde of hearers? Did theynot domuchnaud fuffer.much, and yet at left proved blazing comets ending in (lime; net fixed fiats ? Oh one thinksyou lhould all fland and tremble to fee themwallowing in their fouls. blood; as they did at Afahelin his bodies blond. g, 9. Theftriff andaccurate indeavours ofthegodly ,argue they concluded on this prin- ciple, that it Was difficult toget toheaven. Imade a Covenant Withmy eyes, faith jcb, yob 3 t.t. Ifet aWatch before my tongue, faid David, Pfal. i 4 r. 3. I keep down mybo- dy, faith 'Paul, left Ibecome reprobate, a Cor.9.27. Think of this and tremble, whofe.affeltions and thoughts on good things are by thebyonly. Its hard for the poorman-toget wealth, for a languifhing lick man to get health, but above all fora man to get grace, and when hehath it tokeep it. 44114144444444444aKtaWa+t* SECT, VVVV*Vit8V1/4test,VitieVINNOWW*VVVie