ao. a,}a-aa tta0 a °,y, 7 4 7.ii rVrirÜ`T"4 SECT. IIII. Wherein is handled the Nature offantifying Grace under theTitle of Regenerationwith the counterfeit thereof. SERMO N XXXIV. Shewing what the Kew-Birth or Regenerati- on is. Joists 3.3. tefut anfweredandPaid, Verily, eriór, unleffe aman be born again, be can- notfee the KingdomofHeaven. Urwork formerlybathbeen to thew the poffibility ofknow ing our (elves to be in the Rateof grace, as alto the lawfull- neffe ofproceeding by tigna a We have alto difcovered what are true figns, and what infufficient. The next thing therefore in order is to handle the nature of the Rate of grace, which becaufe the Scripture expre(%th in feverall words, all which have a peculiar notion with them, we (hall take them in order : And fire I (hall begin with theexpreffionof regeneration or new-birtb,out oftheft words, whichare part of a remarkable Hiftory, viz, a Dialogue between Chrift and Nicodemtu ; wherein is ina mob lively manner re- prefented the ignorance and (lupidity even of the molt learned and knowing men about theworkofregeneration ; andcertainly it is ofinfinite con(equence that the holy Ghofi bath left a full teftimony of the bupidiry of thofe in thismatter who were reputed theMattersof T/rael. In the Text you have a Propofition, uuleffe a man be born again, &c, then the afl'everation, verily, verily. It's obferved that whereas other Evangelifts ufe this afleveration feldom, or if fo, finglyonly. The Evangelillyobn for the mob part doubleth it : forcealign one caufe,force another, but it maybe attributed to the peculiar difpofition of fohn, for theSpirit of Godufeth their peculiar abilities to hiswork. D d In