S a e r. I I l Ia of Regenexaien, 209 denies, which indeed are but-as the graffe and the flowerof thefield; for fo Peter having fpokenof this incorruptible nature weattain unto, he maketh it more ex- cellent than any humanepower, prudence or righteoufnéffe, a Pet. a. 24. becaufe all this fadeth , butthe Word of God which begetsthis new nature abideth for ever ; and thereforeof all the things in the world, which'johnBaptifbwas efpe- cially to proclaim aloud, as to make way for Chtio, ,was that, All flefb is grafts, which the Prophet under[tandeth not lòmuch of ourmortality, and vain fives, as of our righteoufneffe , humane excellency, and whatfoever bath repute in. this world : upon thisground it was, that the Pharifee&were fo ignorant about this, that if we read among theSchooi.men, menof great parts and:(lrongabilities, we (hall finde very little, or nothing at all of Regeneration ; yea, if we read the Po- pifhAuthors whether Doarinal, or Devotional, we (hail notfinde any thing at all about this new Birth ; and whence isthis ? Becaufe tome of them are balled with high and fublime Difputations,fome in the externall Rites and Ceremoniesof Re- ligion, and thefe puffing up theheart in a flefhly manner,they are no fit Difciples to' receive this great Truth about Regeneration. Vfc r. Isthere fuck aneceffityof Regeneration, then let youngmen and old ppI, men, richmen and poor, prophase and civill, have their cares tingle, .or rather their hearts wounded at this : Itmaybe thou art an oldman ready to fall in the Grave, and art notthou acquaintedwith this newBirth ? It may be thouarc aDo- Floc and Mailer in goad, and art thou not convinced of this ? Oh blindfouls, hot./ near are you deflrullion, and you are not awareof it ! Thou cano in time of fickneffe, in fears of death, to thyprayers, to thy tears, to theSacrament it may be ; thoucalle[t for a good Book tobe read to thee , a goodMinder to come to thee, but ahMiferable foul, all the work is [Lill to doe within ; fay once therefore thisText unto thy foul, VnlefeI be bornagain Icannotenter intoheaven. Born a- gain, OLord what is that I Was ever fach a thing done upon me ! Oh I fear the contrary ; if I werebornof God, Icould notgrovell thus on the earth, I could notwallow thus in filth. You Parents, you labour tohave your Children born to great Effaces, to large Revenues ; oh, but how (hall thefe Children ofyours curie the wombs that bare them, and the breath that gave them; fuck, if they have not their newBirth ? VP 2. Is the Word preached thus the means of this newBirth ; then let us Of 2ä lamentthe mifcarriageof theMiniflery in their latter days. Who are born again. by it?What bathGod no more people tobe faved inEneland?hathGod no more in Landon to come toeternal life, that no more are by the Wordbegotten anew?Few Minders can fay with Ifaiah, Behold Iand the Children whom the Lordbathgiven me; few Peoplecan fay, Ton are our Fatherswho havebegotten as in theLord; you may lay, Wehave many Infbrullors, beet fewFathers, as the Apo(lle inanother cafe. This is the reproach andgrief of the Miniffry, but it's no Argument (as force would inforce) of the nullity, or unlawfullneffeof it ; or if it be, it will prove their Miniftry whoule this Argument as unlawful' as any. This is the great end of theMiniftry, and as the Sunfhineth in vain ro blindmen, the Clouds drop in vain upon hard rocks, fo is the Word preached invain, and people hear in vain, where this great alteration followeth not : The prophanenefs, ignorance and uni- verfall unfavourinefs in mens fpirirs, do fufficiently proclaime to all the world,that the Lordlath givenus dry breads,and mifcatfying wombs. Ec Salmon