212 ofRegeneration. S E c r. JIM &ion the neceffity ofit,but the poflibilityalfoofit:he clothnot only think there is no fuch thing , but there can be no fuch thing : whereas , he that knewGodbreath- ed a natural life into Adam, when a lumpof earth,might eafilybelieve Good able to infufe a fupernatural life: betides the Sacrament ofCircumcifron , and that legal! euhomeof Purificationof Women, did teach as Original pollution, fo a neceffity' ofcleanfingand wafbing. But befides this fpeculative, there is alfo a rac4ical knowledge, when a man findeth the tweet and livelypower of this upon his own hearr.You have many a learned man that is very orthodox in his judgement,who by confidering thereafons and difputes on all (ides, is convinced ofa nece(ilty of rege- neration, andhereby he cán preach for it, write for , and difpute for it : but yet this man doth no more, then as he that (hould faybony is tweet, when he never tatted of it : And foas Mofes taw the landof Canaan, but neverentered into it, fo theredifcerò afar offthis work of grace, but arenever poffeffors ofit:whenthere- fore both thefe kindsofknowledge concur rogether,fpeculativeand experimental, when hecan feel it in heart,as well asread it in books,this makes a man a fit teacher to Others. 3 Thirdly , "As this knowledgeisregaif itein the DoElor, foalfointheDiftiRle,other- txije the choice{ and chiefefl matter in all religion, is preached invain. TheApoflle faith, He hadrather!leakfivewordswithunder{anding,thenfvehundredinanun- ![known tengue: and it is the Minihers define to fpeak a little of thofe Myfteries of Grace to men that can go along with them,then much to thole thatundethandno- thing at all. Had not ourSaviour been meekand humble, hewould not havebgrn theindocibleneffe of Nicodenesu : TheApoflle complaineth be couldnotffeakun- to the Corinthians as Fjiritual, but as carnal , r Cor. 3, r. To preach co dead men , to throw pearls to fwine, howunfutable is it ? There are many Auditors , that ifyou preach aboutcontroverfal matter, or the times, or any moral matter, they arequick and intelligent; but if youexplain, and infili upon this workofrege- neration, there they lofe you. As they themfelves never felt the power of it , fo theydo not at all attend to theDottrine of it : He that loath ears to hear , let him heart noman hath anhearing ear, ora feeingeye, or an undetltanding heart, till The grounds this fupernatural lifebe infufed. óf this igno- There things being laiddown,weproceed to (hew the grounds of thisignorance, rance. and groffe miftake inmatters ofGodlineffe : and Firtt, Theydonut underfland it, becaufe theyare ignorant of that univerfal and deep pollution, whichfin bathplunged them into. Hence was the ground ofNicode- ?OM hismiftake : therefore our Saviour difcovers the foundation when-he faith , 7hat4tbich is born ofthe jie/h, isfieJh. As Nicodemus Was thus ignorant, fo Taesi alto was asmuch out of theway : for hewas a long time er'ehewas periwaded ce that inwardlatent venom that was inhim, andthereupon andneeds fee no necef- fityofs new birth. Wouldell thou therefore come to have thyeyes opened ? Thy heart awakened fo, as to prize an inward Renovation, or a new change of thy heart ? -hudymore, meditate more upon that Native uncleannehe ; Say,How can this fiefs and blood inherit heaven? How canthis uncleanneffeput on glory ? Is there any futableneffe between thy depravedheart, and eternal happineffe in Hea- ven ? Can that minde ofthine think glorious things of God? Can that heart of chine rejoyce in thegoodneffeof God? If not, then fay, 0 Lord , make me all now. And certainly, ifthe Apottle to thofe whom he fuppofeth regenerated Janis, Pest of theoldman, and put on the new, becaufe oftheft reliques and remainders ofcorrup- tions whichare within us, EpheC4. howmuch rather is this tobe preffed upon thofe wholly wallowing in their natural blood: Put offthe oldman,faith theApohle: Aullin makes it anallufion to the fnakethat puts off her oldskin; but that is not e- , nough,.the inward poyfonous nature,as well as the skin mull be put off.Marvel not therefore ifye fee mennomore follicitous about this newbirth,if their hearts,de- fares,aadcarne(t prayers are no more after it ; for aslong as men are blinde in this point