Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

2h6 ofRegeneration. S a c r. II I I Now the excellencyofan experimental knowledge òfregeneration, willappear in thefe particulars: Firft , s4man fo ra1sfied, hath dgoodándfarebottomlaidto all hitduties 'and t`firitual perfirmances. Where this new life is,there is an excellent root forall the branchesoffpiritual duties tothrive and profper : In nature the heart is the firft liver ; and therefore nature (as force fay) begins with that part fiat, as the fountain of all life : But now the Painter that draweth onely a fhadow, he begins with the lineaments andoutwardproportions firft.Thushypocriue,thacbegineth to change in outward anions fiat ; but true grace,that begineth at the heart and vitals lift a give me a man regenerated , and he is a manoffome fubftance, force foundation , you know where to have him ; but a manofmeer parts, abilities , and notional fancies, yea, or fervent duties without this foundation, he is but a bubble and a va- por. He is tolled up anddown like a (craw with the wind,whereasif he had weight, and solidity in him , hewould [land likes rock. Oh thereforeknow , it is a wife mans coude to look to firft principles , tobe diligent about what foundations he layette. a. Secondly , Where there to this experimental knowledgeofregeneration, there ie an endeavour to beget others like them. As God bid everyereatnreencreale in itskiode, fodo theft new born children ofGód delire tomultiply. When they were once regenerated thenOh that my Parents were,Oh that my children were,Oh that my kindred, Oh that all under mycharge were ! It ismuch toconfider what. great ex- preffìonsPaulufeth even about force women,calling them FaIow-tabossrers, and greatpromoters of the go#el: Why is all this? But that fpicitual life in them makes them fervent tobring home others. Comeandfee, faith Andrew to Philip And what an high expreffion hath Paul concerning thefalvation of his kinfolks after the lielh t and if inpublick relation as Minders, as Mafters, as Fathers, Oh bow are their bowels ftraimed within them, how grieved and broken where they fee God doth not give fuch a fupernatural life l Whereas now; a; man meetly civil, he defrreth his children maybe civil men; no Prodigals ; but to delire them to begodly and holy, that he isfar from. 3, Thirdly, Where this experimentalknowledge is ofregeneration, there is a great fjmpathy andagreement between others that are regenerated. As face anfwereth face, fo doththe heart ofone regenerated man to another. The fame temptations, the fame confolations, the fameoperations, they dwell in one anothers hearts : and where ibis life is moll alive and efficacious,there they bend theirgreareftde- lires and love. But now take a man that knowethof regeneration by the book , by hear-fay; though he may plead for it in thegeneral, yet the particular- pra&icc he cannot abide,: A miniftermaypreach to a people to get this new birth, and yet (cuff and oppole thofe that have it , and all this is for want of experimental power of it upon the foul o but wehave already fpoken in the general to theft thingsherecofore.Lec this (office to quicken us up to the-right underftandingofthis myftery,be not in the number ofthole to whom this work is a riddle. Thou mayft not fay, this is for Scholars, and learned men to know : no,it is for every one tobe acquainted"with it. Vfe of 1nflruliion, To bewailthe common ignorance ofthis main principle, even theDo&rine of regeneration. Art thou a learned man,and doell not know it ? Are thou a rich man, and ignorant of is ? What is ic to beaccounted a man of parts and abilities in other things, but in this great matter a meer Bat and Owl ? Some havenot the knowledgeofGod, faith Pant, lffeakit toyour flame: We may fay, force, yea molthave not the knowledge of regeneration, we (peak it to their fhame, and it ought ro be their grief. Art thou anold man , and knoweft not this ? Haft thou read fo long inthe Bible , heard fo many Sermons, and canft not tell what the meaningofthis is? What a miferable thing is thy natural birthwith- out this? howmuchbetter tohave been born Toads , Serpents, and the molt loathlome Creatures in theworld, than not to benew born? Do Thegrounds of this igno- rance. Vfe.