zi8 of Regeneration: SE é r.. thatof fobs, Who canbringaclean thing oneof an unclean? Lambs somenot from Bears, nor Figs fromThorns. obferv. The great Corruption of mans Nature is thegroundof theneeepsy of Regent= Whence the ration. necefficy of Men never apply themfelves to more thanMoralityand Civility, till they ate Regeneration perfwaded that thegreaten part of their vileneffe and loathfomneffe lyeth in their proceeds. inward parts. We are moo finfull and deformed there where the naturalleye per- ceivethnothing at all : Men never provide a plainer any further than they think the wound reacheth ; now if men perceiveno Wound in the inward frame oftheir heart, they neverlook at any change there. The nature of In the opening of this point, let cis confider the nature of this original! defile- original defile- ment, and fo the workof Regeneration anfwerablythereunto : for whereas in fin ment, and Re- there are two things, the guilt of it, and the filch of it ; There is a two-fold generation an- grace anfweringthis, Thegrace of juftification, which blots out the guilt ; and the fweting shore- grace of Sanelineation, whichremoveth the filth s fo that fin is like lepröfre, and onto. grace regenerating makes all to comefrefh and beautiful! upon the foul, Which be- fore was loathfome ; whereupon it is, that a man is by Regeneration really chan- ged in the qualitiesof his foul : As originali fin comes in the placeoforiginal righ. eeoufne[fe, fo this grace of Regenerationcometh by degrees in the placeof ori- ginall fins ; fo that if we leekafter thiswork, we are not fomuch co lookfor it in our anions and converfations, though it will be feen there, as in our inward frame and difpofition of heart. TheKings daughter is all glorious within, asbe- fore her converfron(he-was all loathfome, and noifome within. Hereby it comes to paffe,that as mens thoughts aregreateror lelfer about origi- nal Sin, fo they are allo about Regeneration. t Fiat therefore, Thisnative Corrupsion is deep mad radicated inus, got into our verybowels ; That as Toads and Serpentshave venome in their natures, and the one cannot be divided from the other, fo it isWith us, we may as well put off the nature ofa man, as put finneout of it. This made the Father compare it to the Ivy in the wall, or in the tree, that gettech into the veryheart, and cannotbe removed, unlefie the Wall it felf be pulled down ; and that is the reafon why the Scripture calls it our fichoand members, not that it is our naturall fubilance, but inevitably cleaving to it, and the innateneffe of it is herein fees, that althoughwe have this work of Regeneration , yet it is not quite expelled, all this.droffe is not got off. Paulcomplained bitterly of the reliques and remainders of it in his foul t Now the graceof Regeneration, that goeth as deepinto the heart, that enters as pow- erfully into the foul therefore it's calledwritingof the Law in the inward parts; icr. ; r. not upon theeyes, or hands, or feet, but inthe inward parts. There is many a man bath Gods Lawwrittenupon his tongue onely, or upon his outward converfation, but not in his inward parts : So that as the Scripture bath notable expreffions to defcribehow inward and rooted our filth is, we may apply loch things to grace wrought in the godly, onely there is this difference,,finne makes us allover finfull, fo that there is nogood,atall abiding in a naturall man ; but grace Bothnot fo per- felhly heal to expel) all fin. As in naturall men, the imaginations of their'choughts are evil!, not onely anionsbut thoughts, not onely thoughts but imaginationof thoughts, or that very fhopof the foul, whereby all apprehenfions and affe&ions are minted andframed, though not perfeftly : the imaginationsofthethoughtsof a Regenerate man are good and fpirituall: The heart of a natural man is a Denof Thieves, a Cage ofunclean Birds : The heart of a Regenerate man is the temple of the Lord. By this you fee, that all external! Reformation, all outward freedome of fine , doch not at all amount to this new Birth : the onely thing to be confi-. dered, is how far thisoyle bath entred into thy wounds, whether it beas deep- ly rooted as finne in thee ; Oh this will difcover what a rare thing Regenera- tion is. Secondly;