220 ofRegeneration. SE C r. I I I I. again that theynever had. For as a naturali man, though he abound in Cove- eoufneffe, yet bath the rootof Prodigality in him ; fo a godly man abounding chief ly infuch and filch graces,yet bath thofe otheralto in his heart, thoughnot vilibly; Again, this may alto fupport theGodly heart, that iabouteth and trembletfi un- der the weaknetfeof his graces, a weak faith, tweak patience, for he bath the root of all grace, he bath the Mine and the Treafhry, though there benot that graduait c*prefiron of it. Fourthly, Becaufe originallfn is the root of all fin, hence it ie,that the ffiength 4' óf fn Meth there ; And the grearetft part of our wickednefle is in thole tinfoil in- clinatiüns. The noyfomnefs of a Toad lyeth not in the venting of poifon at this Or that time, but that it hath a nature to doe thus alwayes; and this if dulycot.& dered, would deeplywound the heart of all Hypocrites, Motalills,and Forma- lifts : The greatefl pátt of their vileneffeand loathfoinneffe lyeth within dobrsi is hid as it Were under ground : Thy ungodly actions are nothing to thy ungodly nalùte. Thais alfo ingrace regenerating ; the flrengehof gndlineife !yeah in the inrward workof it, grace is more excellently grace, and ftrengly grace, as it is in the heart , then as it is in anions : God is a Father of the fpirits, and Both delight Iron. 4..3. mcii in fpiritholineffe, and the graces of the fpirit ; My tome give ime thyheart, 4' 4;oveea think; k!ep thy heart, fir outof it are the Time of life anddeath : As any wicked man is far worfe inwardly thanoutwardly, fo any godly man is farce better inwardly thanoutwardly, fofar as grace worketh at any time tohim. The Waters arepurer iii the Fountain than in the Stream : Now how neceflsry is it for the people of God to think of this? they many times are carefull about duties fee they omit none of them ( and that is very neceffary ; for as Cloaths keep the body warm, and help the inWardheat, fo the vigorous ekercife of holy du- ties redouble the flrengeh of grace within, ) yet the Main care of a Chriflian Herald be toget grace more andmore tooted in his bears; any holy duty done (ruingrace in the heart differs from what is done Without this, as the livirg Loin the d:ad : As a man that cloth any wicked thing, yet if this have not got into his heart, it is not fo dangerous ; fo anygood action done, if the love of this be not in the heat t, it is not comfortable noracceptable. Fiftly, This Corruption cloth fo plunge a man into fnne, that there is a cowmen- 5. ialiáy and agreement between hie heart andfin, As the Swine delights in mire and filth, becauteof its loathfome nature; as the Beetle-flye delights in i-lorfe-dung, and is killed by tweet Herbs, fo a man naturally is carried out to ac`h thofe things Which ate hirable tohis corrupt heart, though never looffenfive toGod. The con - teary is in Regeneration, for grace infufed makes us to delight in the Law of Gods to love holineffe for handle fake. Thus 'Paul, Rom.7. fpeaks of Isis de- light in the Law of God in the inner man; and David preferreth it before all deferable things, gold and honey, andhis necellary food. A naturail man is laid tofwul/owdown iniquity lake water, lob. ry.le. The Fevourifhmanfindesagreat deal of fweetr,effe, and defier -after water, and thinketh he never bath enough. Thus David,he fwalloweth down Gods Word like honey, he thirfteth, he never bath enough of God, or gedlineffe ; when aman is Regenerated, be hash a Foun- tain within him, not a Cillero that muff be filled withearthly motives todo what is godly. Sixthly, This Corruption is univerfaf in the extention of it ThiS leprcfe is of :6 the Whole man ; this fore is over all thefoul, the mind darkned, the will rebelli- ous, the affeelions unmortified , and the whole heart in great confufion and dif. order; fo that the Confcienceof a man, which we would think might be bat, like yobs Meffenger, atRaft to bring the fad newtsof all that bathheroin os, that al- to is unpurn and unclean. Anfwerable tothis general" infection, theApoftle pray- éah for rite ThefJaloaiians, That they may berenewed thorow :it, in foul, fpirit and body. There is a body-filehineffe, and a foul-filthineffe; and there mull be a body- cteanfing,arìd b foul cleanfing, and in this men wefully miflake : They take to All