Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

s g d r. III I. O fRegeñ¢tátian. 221 illntninatidn in the mind, accompanied withgiftsgrid abilities in holy duties , for the thorow and univerfall fandification of the Whole man; our prefene age isá Theatreupon which you may fee many luth fad fpeftacles i But this will ndt ferve; as original! corruption is not fin onely in thomiude; or fineooelylfi the will, bur finie all over;fo.thi: grace ofRegeneration is hen&la ly faith, or love, or patience, but all graces. Seventhly,7he ApafileRom8, dohdeferábe this flejbly being in two thzngr; con- teary to which is our fpirituallbeing ; Fir(f; that the flelhly mind of a roan is not fubjcd toGod, nor indeed can be : Herein this Original! corruption doth mani. feilfydifcoveritfelf , that it makes a man full ofenmity and herfilicjageìnid God avid his Image wherefoever it fhineth ; there is no agreement between this dark - hef1 and that light. This wretched frame is therefore calleda arty, becauieof its Contumacy, noimpreflioniseafilyreceived, but i;continuethobilinate againUail remedies whatfoever:on the ocher fide,this workofgrace is cal'd an heart ofArfh, Eaek.36. ina far different fenfe then the word flefh is ufed in the Tear; for there it fignifieth plyableneffe, fiexibleneffe, and a tender imprefon made upon the foul, whereby he doth willinglyfubje t his minde to Scripture-Truths, and his will to Scripture-Commands. Hence choie that areRegenerated are faid to be taught of God, and the people of God in the day of his power are laid to be wiliingnellés; Pfal. no. and herein the work of Regeneration is admirable, that it rameth the hart of a man tothe love and practice of thole duties which are againll his pleafáre, profit, and all outward advantages whatfoever ; grace coutheth Mete mountains, and it makes them like wax to receive any form or fafhion : NJw the heart renewed would be fubjed to nonebut God,and his will; no longer fubjed to the lulls and deuret of the flefh, to the temptations of the World, todifdain obedience to any thing but God, or for God. For the foul noWto prefer the Creature beforeGod ió the love of ir, is as grofle asfor the body CO beproffitatebeforeau Image, and to worthipthat. The lecondthing which the Apoiìlemakes the fruit of being in the fiefh, is, that it cannot pleafe God . Tobe carnally minded is death, fo that whatfoevet the ur regenc raremanBoth isbitter fruit and four grapes. It is an a, bomination to theford, he is all the day long damning himfelf, and doing abomi.i nable things in theeyes of the Lord ; If he eats, if hedrinks, if he buyech or fa. leth,all thefe are turfed to him. Whithcrfoever he goech,che markofGods difplea= fore is upon him. Nowwhere the perfon is regenerated, there thecurie and loath- fomnefie of a mans per(on is removed by the graceof jollification, and his duties are welt pleatingto Godby fandification r for although in the court of jullificati- òn, it is no blafphemy to Gods fpirit to fay, that the graciousworks done by us ate a meoffruouscloth, dung and droffe, yet if we look upon them in the fphere of fandification, fo they are graces and holy actions, and well pleafing to God, their imperfection being done away through Chrill; and thusas God finelt a fweet favour inNoah'sSacrifice,(o he dock alfo in all the gracious duties thepeopleofGod perform, though the Incenfe that fweetens allbe the blondof Chrill, Therefore the Churchof God is compared to a Garden, and every godly foul toa Lilly and Flower, andtheir graces to tweet Spices ; yea,flre is made altogether lovely; which although it hash its ground from julfifieation, yet if the Churchof God hadhad no inherent grace in her, we cannot fay God would rife fuels expreffìons to her ; Whereas therefore before thou didit pray, hear, God could not abide the, thou Wail a beat thatmade every thing unclean thou didit touch ; now God accepts of thy holy duties, thy prayer, falling, alines-deeds as he faid to the Centurion. Thus you feehow that in every particular, wherein Corruption path made any de- filement or breach, theregrace doth makeTomeglorious reparations ; and as Eton hash abounded in the filth of it, fograce abounds in the purity and glory of it. In the next placelet us confider, whyregeneration if thus neceflary to falvation, becaufe of this corruption in us. And fit(t F f 3 2'he 7